I'm not comparing my "lifestyle" with anyone, I like where I am in life at 29 years old, no mortgages or car payments {a LOT of taxes, but that is expected}, my dog is imaginary, my kids are imaginary, my wife is not imaginary, at 29 I have done mission work{they did more for me than I did for them though.} on every continent {except South America, Antarctica}, I'm sick {I lost my voice and have a cold}...And as far as being in better shape, I'm 5'11 199.8lbs with 15% body fat {I have dunked friend chicken in sauce}, I can drive the 40 in 4 flat seconds and I spend 30% of my life sleeping, I admit to eating fried chicken whenever possible and I know how to apply an armbar.
I love to poke fun at people and thanks for bringing us an amusing topic. It brings back memories of the great chicklet war.