I am only on this forum because I met a few guys I like and I enjoy giving others advice on how to spend their money.... And with my shoulder hanging from my head I have a lot of free time lately.... , you can probably notice the last week has been spotty posting because it is Winter and shoulder injury or not I have a business to run with over a dozen people counting on me to make them a paycheck, so I have far less time to post on here and goof around...
But I may sometimes be abrasive, due to my dimensions I get a lot of attention and between my employees and friends I have a lot of people to laugh at my jokes even if they are not funny... So sometimes this goes to my head and on here my size doesnt make a difference in how people comprehend what I say and do, where in person most would just laugh at the pictures and shrug off being "offended" if they were, but on here people can act like over sensitive {I wont put a word in here you can fill it in, I have a few but won't}...
So anyway I apologize, Im used to it, I hang out with a bunch of gym rat good ole boys, restaurant, nightclub, small business owners,ect... And I can tell you we are the worse bunch of guys to be around, get a handfull or Irish/Italian self made muscle heads together and someones feelings are getting hurt.... so I am sometimes a jerk, I know, but don't mean anything buy it, Im really a nice guy, just a product of how Im treated in the real world...
Heres an example of the attention Im used to... We went out to dinner and gentleman from the table next to us asked me if I would take a picture with his wife, so I did, then the bartender {we were sitting in the bar but not at it} asked my wife if she could get a picture, so I had a button down shirt over an Under armor short sleeve. and off came the button down and I picked up the bartender onto my shoulder{pre surgery obviously, now I almost die putting a shirt on} for her picture which my wife took on the bartenders cell phone, you would think my wife would be upset, but she loves when other women want to feel my arms and give me attention, I tell her she should be jealous, but she knows she has nothing to worry about..... {we ate and drank and the bill was $15!!! but I left them a $50 tip

, the bill should have been $125 easy, I had 2 orders of steak and 5 beers}... But anyway, that was just at the local applebees on a thursday night...
All thanks to hard work and genetics.... OK, Deca Durabolin had a little to do with it too...

But I havent gone there in a long time, since my wife put her foot down {she won't let me mess around}, now its just a lot of hard work and injuries, with deca you are SUPERMAN...