LOL, you guys have been busy...
I did do P.E.D's when I was younger and I know it was a mistake, but I would't call it cheating,{ I wasn't playing any pro sports}, I did it because my body stopped growing and I wanted to be bigger, plus all my friends were doing it....

, and I already had big arms from boxing, football, and gym... so its not like you take steroids and go watch tv for a few hours and get big, its probably harder work than most people do in a lifetime all crammed into 3 months....
and I never said I was rich or "tough" {I dont think

lol}.... Although for the comments "you can't take it with you" and "who cares about being in good shape" you know who says things like that? the short, chubby, broke guys, sitting at their pc for 8 hours a day...
What can you take with you, with that thinking we should all have nothing, and my kids will have my houses and businesses when Im gone, Im building their future with my back, and I don't mind... I may not be able to take my toys and body with me {the body Im pretty sure is coming, but whatever}, but I have all the memories of the beautiful women I have been with , the beautiful places I have been with beautiful women and where I met beautiful women, and the fun toys I get to play with when ever I want... Sooooooo....
But anyway, Im not here to argue, like I said, I met a few friends, had some fun on here and hopefully helped a few people make up their minds on what gear to buy, and that was my goal, since FR helped me....
I didnt know talking about my businesses and mentioning details about my shoulder injury would be offensive to anyone... but I honestly could give 2 f#ks who I offend, because I had a super day today............

Thought I was losing an account and gained an additional, ri-c called a meeting only to tell me, they wanted me to handle their irrigation maint. as well as there mechanical, and there proposed budget looks awesome... So there I go again bragging about my money, and one of the women at the meeting commented about the size of my hands when I shook her hand so there I go bragging about my muscles, I suck, sorry guys.....
But anyway I didn't know I was being so offensive, so again I apologize to those I offended, Im a d ! ck, what are you gonna do? sorry.... the minute I feel like Im not wanted here, believe me I'll be gone, no hard feelings, I say what ever I feel and I don't think thats a crime, as of yet... and I will try not to talk about what I have and have done in my life, since it bothers people on here, but please understand, I am constantly around big guys from the gym and we talk about or progress and injuries and Im always around wealthy people {even my employees do very well for themselves} so we don't think anything about talking money, no one is jealous, and no one takes it the wrong way... {I have been friends with most of these people for decades, and I haven't lost a friend ever, and I talk the same way in person as I do on here...} but AGAIN, I am sorry for offending anyone, and if I continue to do it, stop reading my f-ing posts...