Geez...the last first date I had ended up in marriage. Not sure I should be giving advice!!
I'd definitely go with the be yourself crowd. The first dates I went on where I tried to be someone other than myself usually tanked badly. But then on one occasion I was myself, she was nice, I was more attracted to her roommate, but roommate was in a girl-girl exclusive with the third roommate. Oh well. I should have asked for video.
I'd also develop several contingencies for after the dinner. That way you have alternatives depending in what you learn during dinner and how the date is going. Could be coffee shop for conversation. A quieter place to get some wine and conversation. Maybe a place that has awesome cheesecake. A dance club or strip club

*a man has to have dreams!* Or something totally off-the-wall like rock climbing, glass blowing class, or roller derby.
But stick to the be yourself. My wife learned I was a heathen and my dog was psycho yet she still went out with me again.
Maybe have some jokes handy, simple but avoid making fun of topics that she may actually take as a insult. Like vegetarians or who knows...
Good luck! Enjoy it! Have fun! Ask good questions about the topics she brings up.
Don't ask her to bark like a dog. Don't ask her if she's into S&M.
Stick with us, we'll lead you astray!