I would like to enter this contest so here is my reply to the posted questions:
1. How important is it to you to match the look of the surround sound speakers with the front speakers in a 5.1 or 7.1 system?
6. Other - To have the finish match is of little importance to me, actually I have the rear surrounds painted the same color as the wall so that they are not so noticeable, I would like to replace them with inwalls at some point, as long as they do the job and do it well ,the finish is really not so important.
2. Currently, if you have surround speakers where are they located? If don’t have surrounds, why not?
1. Wall mounted (Concealed wires)-I pre-wired the HT room before sheet rock so all speaker wires are in fact concealed and the rear surrounds are wall mounted with a small shelf under them at approx 8 feet off the floor and 4 feet behind the sitting area, they are tilted down at 15 to 20 degrees to listening position.
3. If there was a high quality wireless surround sound speaker available would you consider it for a home theater system?
1. Yes, a wireless surround speaker would be great. I think the whole concept is fantastic and I would surely give it a go, happily

4. Wireless speakers have the amplifiers built in and so they need to be plugged into the wall for power. Would this limit you from considering wireless surrounds?
1. No, I have outlets in all the right places, not all over the place. When I designed the room I made sure their were electrical outlets just about every where I would consider HT set-ups.
5. When you buy audio electronics, some products use an inline power adapter (“Power Brick”/”Wall Wart”). If you are considering a wireless speaker for surrounds and where you’d place them, which would you prefer? (Please choose one)
2. Inline Power adapter such as Power Brick or Wall Wart with thin DC power cord going to the speaker.
4. Please explain- I fell strongly about this and believe that I would rather run the thinner DC wire to the speakers just for the neatness of install and the ability to conceal them.
6. If you were looking for a surround speaker to match your existing front speakers but had to buy another brand, what features would be the most important to you?
2. The size of the speaker- I would be concerned somewhat more as to the size, I could not have some enormous speaks hanging on the walls , so that would be very important.
4. The sound- Yet this aspect has to be number one, I know the surround sound does not have to be as precise as the fronts and center but lets face it we all want the very best sound quality possible when it comes to our HT and i would prefer the best sound i could get in all areas of my system, even the surrounds.
Thanks for the chance to win, good luck everyone, sawz..