Enter to Win: STF-2 Sub from Hsu!

Which three below would you like to see in our product line offering and services?

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I chose the additional wood finish options.

It would've been alot less effort to convince my wife that I *HAD* to get a Hsu sub if there was one that matched our stained wood trim (a bit darker than the blonde maple).


I went with a slimmer profile model, for easier siting in a room, DSP for similar reasons, and additional features are always a good thing (as long as they don't interfere with the primary purpose).
Mr. Lamb Fries

Mr. Lamb Fries

Full Audioholic
Contest Question: What new features or enhancements would you like to see in our product line offering and services? Choose 3 from the list below, and explain in the forum: Slimmer profile, DSP technology, Miscellaneous.

Slimmer profile: WAF and more options for room placement

DSP technology: accurate low-bass reproduction to achieve a flat-frequency response through the subwoofers range,

Miscellaneous: Cylinder subs=smaller footprint


Senior Audioholic
I choose a wider choice of veneers. It seems to me that a lot of people have many different styles. If you don't have a wide enough selection there will be people who don't select the product because it doesn't match the rest of the room and reduces the WAF of the product. I have seen people select terrible products because they "look cool".


I voted for additional finish options. I have been shopping for a subwoofer, but I have to please another's aesthetic as well.


Full Audioholic
Tom Andry said:
Contest Question: What new features or enhancements would you like to see in our product line offering and services? Choose 3 from the list below, and explain in the forum:[/INDENT]

  • Additional amplifier features
  • Additional wood veneer choices like cherry, bird's eye maple, ash, rosewood, piano black
  • Slimmer profile subwoofer model
  • Bookshelf type speakers
  • "Slicker" web page look
  • DSP technology
  • Miscellaneous - describe in detail in the forum
I chose the following enhancements:

1. additional wood veneer choices-would make it much easier to finish-match the sub with room decor and/or other speakers in the system

2. Miscellaneous-a selection of room treatments to enhance the low frequency rooom response would be a natural companion to a line of subwoofers.


I chose wood finishes because......

It is a never ending battle to get my GF to accept any form of surround sound. to her surround sound is sitting in the middle of two speakers and anything else screws up the rooms ambience. At least with more finishes I can say the sub's match the hardwood floors. :)

Enjoy Your Day


Audioholic Intern
1. I simply love wood finishes, so that's an easy choice.
2. Bookshelf speakers- I need a piar for the bedroom, so I'll soon be shopping around for a pair of these and I'd like to see what HSU can do in this arena.
3. DSP tech- it seems like more and more companies are employing this technology, so, again, I'd like to see how well HSU would incorporate it into their line.

Mike JL

Audioholic Intern
Additional finishes - as large as some of the subs are, they should look like a piece of fine furniture that matches the room decor. I am really partial to piano black and piano rosewood.

Slimmer profile - mainly a WAF and placement issue.

Slicker web page - personal preference for good web design.


Full Audioholic
#1) Misc: Absolutely continue to press the boundary on a performance vs. price subwoofer. Aesthetics and fancy features can take a back seat to authoritave 20HZ (or below) extension in small-medium sized rooms.

#2) Misc: Electonics, stand alone that can adjust/compensate for room interactions with the sub. Multi band, focused on sub. Auto setup would be cool, but in the interest of price/performance manual is fine.

#3) Bookshelves: If you guys think you can put a dent with a price-performance differentiated product I'd always be interested in a bookshelf / monitor in the $250-300/pr range that can go toe-toe performance-wise with Ascend CBM-170s, Axiom M3/M22, B&W 600, Onix X-LS.



Jason Coleman

Definitely more veneer choices. I love the HSU subs that I've seen and heard and felt, but the cabinets leave something to be desired. Something more furniture-like, especially with the size of a sub.



- Additional wood veneer choices and a slimmier profile will make the larger subs more acceptable to the significant other
- DSP technology will help difficult room accoustics


Slimmer would be nice, but only if it doesn't affect performance! Add'l veneers would be nice to deal with WAF for many folks. (fortunately my wife is quite happy with our STF-2!). As for the amplifier options, it seemed the only other viable option. I love my STF-2 (and would love another one!). Keep up the good work, Dr. Hsu!!


I would like to see veneer options, so that the sub would blend into living room more easily.

DSP would be nice, in order to locate the sub in a WAF location.

Misc - How about a nice set of in wall speakers...yes...that old WAF thing again....;-)


Dsp !

Definitely DSP !
It Would be Great to have some eq filters, and ( PLEASE ) delay adjustments.

I think that If You are a real Audiophile, You just dont care about the loook of the equipment, because the real important stuff is How It Sounds

In my experience, I´ve found that one of the most important adjustments ( nobody does it ) is the time alignment between speakers, and with some parametric eq filters, and delay, You can make the perfect calibration of the sound system.

I have installed HT´s with an extra DSP processor just for the sub´s
( The system was B&W Silver Signature & Kinergetics research amp´s, the DSP I used is the BSS Omnidrive Compact ) and believe me, sounds just beautiful when the arrival times of the sound waves hit your ears just in the same time, in the right phase.


Audioholic Intern
slimmer profile

I am currently looking for a sub but since I am in an apartment, size is a large consideration. That said, I also want a variety of speaker hookup configurations so that I can use the subwoofer as an extension to my 2 channel music listening as well as home theatre (and have different settings for both). Finally, I would like to have multiple finish options, so that I can attempt to match the subwoofer better to my mains if possible or my furniture if not.


Full Audioholic
Contest Question: What new features or enhancements would you like to see in our product line offering and services? Choose 3 from the list below, and explain in the forum:
Additional amplifier features
Additional wood veneer choices like cherry, bird's eye maple, ash, rosewood, piano black
Slimmer profile subwoofer model
I would like to see a slimmer profile sub more then anything else. I think todays subs that have decent db output at 20hz are way to large.



Junior Audioholic
- I love to see the piano gloss, it make the sub look nice and expensive.
- DSP to help optimizing the best out of sub due to not every one has a dedicated room for hometheater/music.
- Just want to win this baby.


Audioholic Chief
I'd like to see more wood choices. Large subs are hard to hide and become furniture. It's nice to be able to match your furniture.


Senior Audioholic
Additional wood veneer choices like cherry, bird's eye maple, ash, rosewood, piano black

More finish choices is always nice.

"Slicker" web page look

Very very important, because I make all my purchacing decisions based on how slick a companies webpage looks. :rolleyes:

DSP technology

I don't know what that is but is must be something good because I see the letters DSP prominantly displayed on many expencive peices of equipment.:p
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