Enter to Win: STF-2 Sub from Hsu!

Which three below would you like to see in our product line offering and services?

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Diablo said:
Additional veneer choices would make blending into existing decor easier and would also increase wife acceptance factor.

A slimmer profile would aid in placement options, along with the reasons above
I would echo these comments exactly, in this order. HSU sub-woofers are already argueably the best subs out there, and the additional aesthetic choices would make them even easier to integrate into a room. The slimmer profile with little to no loss of capability would be great for the larger (12") sub sizes too. But, please retain the relatively cheaper choices for those that just want the quality, not the extras.


i chose bookshelfs. although the market is full of em i think that hsu could make a set of booksehlves that compliment their speakers very well


Senior Audioholic
In no particular order....

Different Finishes would be great. Being able to integrate audio equipment into a room's decor is getting to be extremely important as high style products, like plasma TV's for example, become more common place in the home. Piano Black is nice, a brushed aluminum would be sharp, and there are obviously many many different veneer variations out there to make your products unique. Real wood is nice, but veneer will keep everyone’s costs down.

MISC: If I didn't see this on your website please add "website update" as one of my choices, but I'd like to see some quality (QUALITY being the key word) in wall subs like dual 8" or a nice 10" with a passive radiator to mate with your 500 watt amp. I could see a great deal of applications for being able to hook up two in wall subs to that amp and then mounting the amp in a rack.

Slimmer profile subs could be marketable for the reasons mentioned above in explaining the different finishes. But, I would take the slimmer piece a bit further or different and make something like a sub with down firing dual 8” drivers. When done right, the products I have heard configured like that are great with music. It would be a unique and different piece to offer.

Also, dual driver products (slim profile or not) could really step your offering up a notch. Dual 10’s, 8’s, or 12’s can really kick people in the rear. To me, a sub should be the most expensive speaker in a home theater. Don’t be shy about offering some higher tiered products above the $1K mark. There’s a market out there for it!


I chose the slimmer profile option because I live in an apartment and I do not have much room to place large subwoofers. So smaller is better (at least until I can buy a nice big place with a dedicated home theater!!!)

I also choose bookshelf type speakers because again, I live in an apartment = need smaller speakers. And from what I have read the Ventriloquists are great little speakers so I would be interested in seeing what HSU can do with a bigger bookshelf speaker.


Contest Question: What new features or enhancements would you like to see in our product line offering and services? Choose 3 from the list below, and explain in the forum:

* Additional amplifier features
* Additional wood veneer choices like cherry, bird's eye maple, ash, rosewood, piano blackCan never have too many
* Slimmer profile subwoofer model
* Bookshelf type speakersWith the quality of subs they produce, why not?
* "Slicker" web page look
* DSP technologySome people need all the help they can get with acoustically bad rooms.
* Miscellaneous - describe in detail in the forum


Audioholic Intern
Contest Question: What new features or enhancements would you like to see in our product line offering and services? Choose 3 from the list below, and explain in the forum:

Additional amplifier features - HSU sells amps?
Additional wood veneer choices like cherry, bird's eye maple, ash, rosewood, piano black - Don't matter to me - any color so long as its black.
Slimmer profile subwoofer model - function over form for me.
Bookshelf type speakers - if the performance vs price ratio is good - I'm open to it.
"Slicker" web page look - You're kidding me right? Who cares.
DSP technology - eh?
Miscellaneous - describe in detail in the forum - built in parametric equalizer even if its only 1 band would be good. Or - a lower priced alternative to the SMS-1 would be interesting for me.


Additional amplifier features
Additional wood veneer choices like cherry, bird's eye maple, ash, rosewood, piano black
DSP technology


Senior Audioholic
I;d love to see DSP technology in the sub, it would make it so much easier to calibrate and cope with challenging room size and shapes. The second would be the finish: maple colors or piano black is best. Also slimmer looks will add value to the gorgeous finish.;)


Audioholic Samurai
For starters I have a two in one answer. Size and additional veneers. I have to live with the sub in the living room and if at all possible along with the good performance of the sub, I want it to integrate into the living room with out being obvious. Of course I don't want to give up any performance in achieving the above stated goals.


I'd love to have a nice piano black finish to match the rest of my speakers, and DSP for in-room correction would be a godsend. :)


Definitely wood veneers for us married folks who have to make it look somewhat nice. Personally, if it sounds good, that's all I care about.


Fierce Mice

Audioholic Intern
Of those choices, my top three are:
1. DSP technology
2. Additional amplifier features
3. Additional wood veneer choices

However, if I could have, I would have voted three times for DSP! I can see significant value in utilizing DSP technology and I think Hsu products are wonderful as is in every other respect.

Additional amplifier choices is something I recognize as being important the more I get into tuning my room, but I get good results even from my "old" VTF-2.

Additional veneer choices would be nice, but the plain-old-black of my VTF-2 is perfectly acceptable to me. I'm not much into form over function, and sometimes the premium charged for nicer looking (but not better performing) audio equipment is mind boggling.

Sure, a smaller cabinet would be nice *if* sonic characteristics aren't degraded. That *if* kept that choice out of my top three.
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I voted for a slicker website and bookshelf speakers.

A website for an internet direct company is sometimes the only source of information besides calling. It is essentially the salesman. The better your website is, the better sales of a good product should become.

Bookshelf speakers seem to be the natural evolution for Hsu. Pair them with a Hsu sub and you have a killer combo!! Besides, the more people making good bookshelves right, the more choices we all have!


* Additional veneers are key for appeasing the wife factor. I could get a 20" sub if it was 'pretty'.
* A Slicker web page does it for me. We're all here online aren't we? Make it cool.
* Room correction modes and set up dvd to go along with the sub would be awesome.


Full Audioholic
I like the idea of more veneer choices. With something as large as some subs, it might make it easier for some of use to get WAF when she can choose what finish she likes.

DSP - Especially if it makes adding an onboard PEQ to the subs possible. (although maybe that should have gone under more amp features...dunno)

Smaller Cabinets - with HSU being a "boom for the buck" retailer, additional options such as a sealed-box sub might draw more customers who would normally have to go with a velo SPLR-type sub for restricted spaces.

Chris Reehl

DSP: For convenience, mostly. A little improvement that can go a long way.

Website: I looks a bit busy for my tastes, and it should really cater to entry- to mid- level enthusiast (most of the people buying). Example: being able to extend to the sub 20 Hz area is good because...


Junior Audioholic
1. "Additional wood veneer choices..."
I think it is important to have speakers and subs fit well in a room as well as sound excellent. Having a variety of finishes allows for the items to be displayed instead of trying to hide them in a corner somewhere.

2. "Slimmer profile subwoofer model"
Again, being able to keep the high quality sound and not interfere with the layout of a room is important. Slimming down the sub will help accomplish this the easiest way. The trick is to do it without loss in quality.

3. "Additional amplifier features"
I like my toys and I like toys with lots of features/gadgets. Simple as that!


Audioholic Ninja
The new feature that interests to me the most is the possibility ofc dark cherry. I know that's not sound related but it matches my mains. I don't know if it's a feature but additional information - RMS vs dynamic power would be nice. I'm mostly a set it flat and forget it sort of guy but a DSP might be fun to play with.


I chose the rosewood model, but the cherry actually would have matched my system better. I think having all finishes available would also please the women more, who dont let there husbands get large subwoofers because they are "ugly". Also more amp choices means more gadgets to play around with. Lastly, the website just needs to look more appealing, since you dont sell your subs in hardly any stores.
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