maybe it is because i live in a military barracks and annoy people living above, below and beside me with loud bass, or maybe its because that is what everybody else that lives ther has is loud, boomy subwoofers that turns me to appreciate smooth, accurate, musical bass. i want the stand up bass to make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, the kick drum to attack and retreat just as fast and accurately as it would in the studio. the growl of Elanor at idle or the roar of the Apollo shuttle at lift off should not be so much as heard, but felt, and they cannot be experienced fully if the woofer is too boomy, overly loud or just inaccurate. People are being lied to by poorly designed cabinets, ports and drivers. led to believe that bass is best heard with volume at max and the bass guitar only has 1 tone. i don't buy into it. i demand honesty