Yesterday I took my Volvo C40 EV into a dealer for it's first scheduled maintenance. The warranty says do this after every 20,000 miles or 2 years. My car is 2 years old but only has ~6,500 miles on it. The car's computer reminded us to do the maintenance every time we started it. I wanted to ignore it, but wife is more easily persuaded by such reminders. She feared voiding the warranty and wouldn't stop pestering me.
Any way, there was the usual multi-point inspection on tires, brake wear, brake fluid, steering fluid, etc., but no work was needed. They only thing replaced was the HVAC air filter. Of course there was no oil change or anything else related to an internal combustion engine.
There was no cost at all for this work

. That included a loaner car for the day, a plug-in hybrid XC90, the largest in their SUV line. It felt like a land yacht compared to our smaller C40, but it drove nicely overall. We we drove it only twice for 6 miles from the dealer to home and back.
So far owning & using this EV has cost very little compared to an ICE car. I anticipate large savings for maintenance as the years go by.
My largest cost since getting this car was the 240V 50A power line for a home charger in my garage. And most of that came from the once only need for a new & larger circuit breaker box.
Insurance was expensive, but no more than for any new car.
Compare that to no gasoline or oil at all! The cost of electricity for recharging was minor in comparison. I anticipate the cost of electricity will increase in the future, but not as much as gasoline.