Good, I'm glad you went through the effort to do a decent side by side comparison. You mentioned XLR cables though, are you using active speakers, and if so were you using the pre-outs instead of the receiver's amp section? As far as I know the NAD doesn't have XLR outputs.I did do an A/B comparison as well as I could. I had both my Marantz and my NAD powered on and I had my better half move the XLR cables back and forth between the two processors. I used an SPL meter to ensure that the levels were equal. I did this for her and she did it for me. We did this with room correction both enabled and disabled.
We didn't share our opinions until we finished testing, but we both subjectively agreed in every way that the NAD sounded better. More separation in instruments, better imaging, clearer and more realistic vocals.
If you don't believe me, check out the Audioholics 2019 Processor comparison YouTube video starting at this time stamp where Shane's experiences echo mine:
The HDMI issue Shane mentioned has since been resolved by NAD in the latest firmware update (in my testing at least).