beppe61 said:
2) I am somewhat scared by tone controls. I would prefer to succeed without using them.
Hi beppe,please dont think i was slamming your bryston preamp because that was not the case,bryston makes quality gear,what i was questioning about the bryston is why you feel that tone controls are a bad thing & what negative aspect do you think will be added to your listening experience from the use of tone control ?
Tone controls do not adversly effect a systems sound in any way they simply do the job that they were designed for & in most cases can immensly help the overall sound,if you have harsh highs the solution is as easy as turning a knob,no hideous room treatments,no equipment changes or expensive upgrades,no tube rolling,no tweeking & most importantly no cable upgrades.
Weather you know it or not most preamps effect the sound more than any other peice of gear in the system,the one & only way to get a 100% neutral presentation is to run your source directly from the amplifier or with a passive preamp(fancy word for external volume control),all preamps color the sound weather they are tone control preamps or non tone control preamps.
I see you heading down all the wrong roads chasing a perfection that will never be found,your source is most likely not the culprit nor is the amplifier,amplification is important but not nearly as important as preamplification,other than speakers there is no more important peice in a system than the preamp.
Im not trying to bust your balls but this is something that i feel strongly about because ive tried the things that you are thinking about like upgrading my preamp to a more expensive model or a model reccomended by a friend as being the best,ive also been through countless & extremely expensive changes in my source components over the years & all have made very little impact in the overall listening pleasure i get from my system.
Ive ran non tone control preamps ranging in price & (supposed quality) from krell,mcintosh,pass labs,conrad johnson,audio research,cary audio & quite a few others,all of which were big bucks & highly touted as the next best thing to being at a live concert but not a single non tone control preamp made my music sound completely satisfing.
Please dont base your system upon the boasts of audiophiles claiming that the shortest signal path is the best route because it isnt,taking the audiophile approach to music & system building will only lead to listening to a VERY SHORT LIST of audiophile approved recordings.
When building a system the end result(overall sound) is what is important not how you got there