It's Alive, It's Alive!!!
Franken-theater is up and running!
The seven (7) Behringer A500 amps are each bridged in mono and running their own channel of a 7.1 system.
Let me start out by saying that I followed a sensible plan of breaking in the amps properly....
The first thing that got auditioned was my favorite, Telarc's - Bach Organ Blaster - "Toccata & Fugue in D minor".
At about 110 dB

(That woke up the neighbors)
That CD can bring most systems to their knees quickly.
Followed shortly by T2 Extreme Edition.
Let's just say when the special T2 version of the THX intro came on I had wood (boing).
There is no.....let me repeat that....
THERE IS NO comparison between the B&K 7270 and these beasts! I'm glad I made the switch and there will be no going back.
Also, after about 3 to 4 hours of use these amps barely get warm. My B&K Ref 31 pre/pro gets twice as hot. The B&K 7270 amp would be hot enough to cook meat on after a few hours.
Now bring on my two HSU VTF-3HO's and I'm ready.
Pictures are available in my thread under Loser Cinema.