Denon Vs. Behringer EP2500
Okay, okay. Now before you all jump down my throat and tell me all the things I did wrong for this comparison, please realize that I DON'T review equipment for a living, I probably DON'T have the proper equipment and/or time to do this test the right way, and I DON'T offer this as advice or arguement. It is what it is.
Scenario: My Behringer looking at me from the confines of it's sub setup with 4 -15" drivers. It wanted to try driving my Polks and since I am considering some pro amps for my HT, why not. Out came the Behringer to its spot next to my Denon 3801. Did I mention this amp is heavy? Just so I can seem kind of scientific, here are the specs for my POLK RT800i: Freq. 42Hz-25kHz
-3dB, 8 ohm, 90dB efficiency. Recommended Amplification 20-250 watts.
I set up my mains only and listened first with my receiver. Using an SPL I set all my listening volumes to 90dB, which is louder than I normally listen to. I have a test CD I use that has pipe organs, heavy rap, Dido, Damien Rice, Black Eyed Peas, Ava Maria, and even though I really don't listen to her much, Brittany Spear's "Toxic" really has a good range.
I listened to about 1 minute or so of each song from the beginning, always keeping an eye on the SPL. I have to say I really like my Polk's. I would say they are rich, not bright, but not exeptionally detailed as I have recently noticed after hearing some THX systems like M&K, or even RBH T1. Anyway, on to the Behringer.
Wow, a complete difference. It was night and day. hehe, just kidding. I listened to the same songs, same SPL and was surprised there wasn't a huge difference. But there was a difference. To me the Behringer was more laid back, wasn't as harsh, or is it called sibilance? With the Denon, there were a few times when I thought I heard the speakers struggling. The bass got a little sloppier perhaps. It sounded like distortion. With the Behringer, I didn't notice that. The harsher songs were still a little harsh, but the songs that really shone to me were the more acoustical songs, like Damien Rice's "Blower's Daugher" and Dido's song.
Now it got more interesting. I invited my wife down. She knows less about this than I do. I know, scary. Anyway, I had the Behringer hooked up so I had her listen to it first. The lights were covered so she didn't know which one was playing. Same process. Listened to a few selected songs, then switched to the Denon while she went in the other room. I had some ear covers on by this time and just focused on the tracks and SPL.

After both auditions, I asked her opinion. I could tell she wanted to please me and choose the amp, but she got it backwards. She apologized and said she liked the first scenario the best, which was the Behringer, but she thought was the Denon. Her thoughts were very similar to mine. She actually said she liked the bass better with the Denon on one song because it sounded "looser" or "fuller" and not as tight. She described it as the speakers sounding like they were going to shake out of the cabinet. She really liked the same songs for the same reasons and thought Brittany did a great job. With the Denon she said she heard more background noise. She said esses were essier and the harsh songs seemed harsher. I noticed on the Denon she actually covered her ears once or twice with the same SPL. After my disapproving look reminded her this was for science, she quickly removed her fingers.
Tomorrow we repeat the test. I will be very curious to see if we get the same results. Of course I know which is which. That is why I had her help. I will laugh if she determines the exact oposite in the morning, but I'll let you know.