You see, that is testable. Firstly, so far no one can demonstrate that comparable cables are audibly different, period.
Second, some amps do sound different and is well known why. After that, low distortion, low output impedance, flat frequency response, not exceeding design limits will pace amps in the transparent category.
If it wasn't for lab coats, you would not have good amps on the market just euphonic ones.
There is nothing to calibrate and nothing wrong with the previous setup.
That is your claim only.
I am a professional musician
That would not give you special credentials to detect audible differences between audio components.
and I know an improvement when I hear it.
Maybe yes, maybe no. Not without proper testing.
Also, my wife being pissed off initially by seeing the monstrosity on the floor then wanting to hear her CD's is further proof to me.
Just another testimonial. Not very good evidence.
I know I could never convince you of this
Not with this testimonial.

But why would you want to convince me? I have no impact on your enjoyments.