I'd never call these guys shitheads, but now that the cat is out of the bag...

Every setup and room are different. Every set of ears are different as well. I never used dynamic eq or dynamic volume with my Denons. I think some feel obligated to use the settings room correction spits out. I kinda' always used the measurements as a reference and only held on to the sub distance and volume settings in most cases. I'd play with speaker placement and turning other channels down instead of bumping the center up. I think the dialogue from the center may be competing with sounds from fronts very near to it in that room. But, opinions are like assholes and every shithead has one.

You'll find your own sweet spot for your setup the way most around here have done. There are some that still fight with their systems and you may find yourself doing so for awhile. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy the battle.