American "Neoimperialism"


Audioholic Field Marshall
The Numenorian said:
...I have a dream for a better world and a better America, one that helps people instead of isolates them, and one that the world really can appreciate for its morals and deeds. Then I'll say we're truly great.
Britain's great. We've got Great Brittish Pounds. :D


Audioholic Overlord
The Numenorian said:
I've said the pledge many a time, and each time I say it I mean it more and more...its just that I have a dream for a better world that helps people instead of isolates them, and one that the world really can appreciate for its morals and deeds. Then I'll say we're truly great.
And, as I've said many times before, when any other country, either as a nation or on a personal basis, takes it upon themselves to do as much to help the world as the US, then I'll start taking you seriously.

Then again, you could always be a man and take it upon yourself to do what you want others to do for you. There are plenty of organizations where you can donate either your money or your services if you feel so badly about this.

Here's a good place to start:

A group of people I'm affiliated with raise funds and actually go to different places for a few weeks each year to donate goods and services to help needy villages. We're currently involved in a muulti-year project in S.A. In the past I would go for two weeks myself, but since I've turned 50 a few years ago, that's a bit much. All I do now is donate money.

Since you are still young, what are you doing aside from crying and expecting everyone else to do something? Isn't it about time you stopped whining and stepped up to the plate? A little bit of sweat should make that guilt go away.
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Audioholic Overlord
Oh, BTW, its "Britsh", not "Brittish"

Buckle-meister said:
Britain's great. We've got Great Brittish Pounds. :D
You, of all the posters here, should know better, no? :D
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Resident Loser

Resident Loser

Senior Audioholic
Some of the things...

...we should be thankful to Europe for:

The following are two responses given in a dialogue @ another site to a certain someone (who shall be called The Teutonic-Twit) when he, exhibiting his Euro-centric mindset, began to rag on US. Seems appropriate in this thread...First a quote from said twit...

The Teutonic-Twit said:
...For a complete moron, a little History lesson. We exist a hell of a lot longer than you, America is a big amount of colonys founded by immigrants from Europe...
Response #1:

And you're doing a bang-up job of it...lessee, how many wars and such...should we start with Caesar and the Romans and Hadrians Wall, War of the Roses, Hundred Years War, the Hessians, Attila and the Huns, the Gauls, the Angles, the Saxons, Goths, Visigoths, Barbarossa, Charles Martel, Charlemagne, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Kaiser Wilhelm, the Crusades, feudalism, Louis and Marie, Imperialism, introduction of slavery into the New World and the introduction of unknown diseases to it, the Spanish Armada, the Inquisition, dynamite,Vegemite, mustard gas, U-boats, Xylon, blitzkrieg, Daimler-Benz and Messerschmidt and BASF and don't forget it was Bayer who invented heroin, the Reformation, the Hugenots, Marx, Engles, the Guillotine, purges, pogroms and my all-time fave: ethnic cleansing...Kandinsky, Cubism and overbearing perfumes, Edith Piaf, IKEA, the rack, the wheel, thumbscrews, the Iron Maiden, the broadsword, the stilletto, the mace, Lucretia Borgia...all wonderful examples of Europe at it's finest...

And at our earliest opportunity chose to sever the relationship with the motherland or fatherland hoping we could do better...guess what!...we did! and it galls you to no end...too friggin' bad...

Response #2, from another finger-wagging thread authored by the same garbanzo bean:

Wanna' start on how F*cked-up Europe is...and has been through many wars have there been? the Seven Years War, the Thirty Years War, the Hundred Years War, the War of the Roses, The Carolingian Succession, the War of Spanish Succession, The War of Austrian Succession, The English Civil War, the French Revolutionary wars, the Napoleonic Wars, the Crimean War ,The Franco Prussian War, the Spanish Civil War and then when there didn't seem to be enough warfare on the continent proper, countries like Germany began to export the Art of War(after all only that sort of history could raise it to an artform) to Africa in the Maji-Maji Revolt or the Herero War and then of course the Boer War, Of course we can't leave out the family-feud to end all family-feuds WWl...remember that bit of fun from all those inbred @$$holes...trench-warfare, machine guns, tanks, mustard gas...and who can forget BLITZKREIG! and V-1s, buzz-bombs...Zylon and the ghetto and the Final Solution......then on the political side there's feudalism, and anarchy, and communism, and socialism, and Mussolini, Franco and good ol' uncle Adolph...some other nifty exports like world colonialism and all it entails, the decimation of the native peoples in the Americas by disease, and the introduction of slavery into the New World, and the Crusades, and Edith Piaf, and Ikea and heroin.

And if you wanna' start on world terrorism, I'd suggest you go back to things like the Balfour Document and the partiton of the Holy Land, all administered by Euro-friggin-peans...In fact, one could easily make an argument that Israel itself, or the need and want for a Jewish homeland, is the product of every European Jew who was ostricized, ghetto-ized, marginalized or exiled down through European history. In essence we have YOU to thank for the current state of affairs. The U.S. involvement with Israel is an unfortunate by-product of the cold war imbalance created by Russia's support of Egypt, which we viewed as having dire consequences for the region in general and Europe as a whole...

As an's not 65 years ago and Hitler is we have countless little Hitlers to contend with...

S-O-O-O-O...just a little perspective...provided solely for its' entertainment value...

jimHJJ(...pardon some of the redundancies, in typical, lazy, American fashion, I don't feel like editing...)


markw said:
Is this the same France that handed us Viet Nam? ...and the list goes on and on.
Actually, to their credit, they warned us not to get involved. -Bruce


Audioholic Field Marshall
markw said:
You, of all the posters here, should know better, no?
The problem in attempting to be smart is that eventually it always comes back to bite you. You may wish to re-read your own post sir. :)
The Numenorian

The Numenorian

Junior Audioholic
markw said:
Since you are still young, what are you doing aside from crying and expecting everyone else to do something? Isn't it about time you stopped whining and stepped up to the plate? A little bit of sweat should make that guilt go away.
Just because I'm young and whining doesn't mean I haven't done something to help others. Just between you and I, the plate has been stepped on already...and now I realize that the scope should be wider for how I do things.

as a sidenote, why are you correcting other people's spelling? let's stay on track.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Resident Loser said:
The following are two responses given in a dialogue @ another site to a certain someone (who shall be called The Teutonic-Twit) when he, exhibiting his Euro-centric mindset, began to rag on US. Seems appropriate in this thread...
How so? This thread is chock full of snide comments seemingly directed at myself (and others, but let's concentrate on me since I'm the European here), and yet when politely asked to clarify whether or not they were actually meant for me, silence has has been the only answer. More than once now it's been alluded to that I'm somehow bashing America, yet yet again the post/s in question are not highlighted.

Resident Loser, if you think I'm 'ragging on the U.S.', that is of course your prerogative, but for my sake, since I believe I'm innocent of the charge, please point me to the post/s in question so that it can be determined whether it simply is your opinion, or whether it's fact.

It truly is sad that mature debate hasn't yet seen the light of day and here we are on page 7 of the thread. All we've had to date is some folk disagreeing yet prepared to accept that they might be wrong, and others who simply will not accept that there's the possibility that what they know to be true may, in part or full, not be.

That this thread could be percieved by anyone as Europe bashing America is absolutely incredible. To date the overwhelming direction of this thread has been of American's bashing Europe, not vice versa! Nice. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Overlord
Buckle-meister said:
The problem in attempting to be smart is that eventually it always comes back to bite you. You may wish to re-read your own post sir. :)
I'm only a lazy, ignorant American who can be excused a typo. You're the self-proclaimed expert on these matters and should know better. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Overlord
The Numenorian said:
Just because I'm young and whining doesn't mean I haven't done something to help others. Just between you and I, the plate has been stepped on already...and now I realize that the scope should be wider for how I do things.
Somehow, this statement of yours does not ring true. I'm sure you would have brought it up sooner if it were.

The Numenorian said:
as a sidenote, why are you correcting other people's spelling? let's stay on track.
Why? Does it bother you that your only ally in this thread madea fool of himself and was called on it?


Audioholic Field Marshall
I don't want to appear ignorant when I don't continue to respond to you Markw so I'll just say it 'for the record'. I won't be replying to you from this point onwards. As occurred in the past, you have (in my opinion of course) repeatedly tried to initiate an angry retort from me. I believe that in this thread you've been baiting me in the hope that should I do so, you can turn around and cry "Ha! I knew it! Now we see your true colours", or something to that extent.

I rarely make the same mistake twice and so I wont be calling you any names or making any angry retorts. I was truly sorry when last we argued, not least because as was pointed out, our feud must've given a terrible impression to the original poster, and so I decided not to respond to you in future...

...Until this thread that is (no sweat Numeronian, don't feel bad), when you compelled me to respond by quoting me. I didn't want to appear ignorant to others (who probably wouldn't know of our past history) as it would've seemed to their eyes if I hadn't replied, and so I did, with the result that the thread has progressively spiralled downward.

Farewell Markw. You may reply to this post as you will; it is of no concern to me as you have now become the first (and hopefully last) person to be placed in my 'Ignore' list. Congratulations sir, I hope you are happy.


Audioholic Overlord
Sorry you feel that way.

Buckle-meister said:
I don't want to appear ignorant when I don't continue to respond to you Markw so I'll just say it 'for the record'. I won't be replying to you from this point onwards. As occurred in the past, you have (in my opinion of course) repeatedly tried to initiate an angry retort from me. I believe that in this thread you've been baiting me in the hope that should I do so, you can turn around and cry "Ha! I knew it! Now we see your true colours", or something to that extent.

I rarely make the same mistake twice and so I wont be calling you any names or making any angry retorts. I was truly sorry when last we argued, not least because as was pointed out, our feud must've given a terrible impression to the original poster, and so I decided not to respond to you in future...

...Until this thread that is (no sweat Numeronian, don't feel bad), when you compelled me to respond by quoting me. I didn't want to appear ignorant to others (who probably wouldn't know of our past history) as it would've seemed to their eyes if I hadn't replied, and so I did, with the result that the thread has progressively spiralled downward.

Farewell Markw. You may reply to this post as you will; it is of no concern to me as you have now become the first (and hopefully last) person to be placed in my 'Ignore' list. Congratulations sir, I hope you are happy.
I don't recall quoting you, at least until that "brittish" thing which was (supposedly) in jest. Didja notice the smiley? Do ya know what that means?

Perhaps you have me confused with someone else?

I do, however, recall disabusing you of several holes in your history education.

I'm sorry that you seem to be more than ready, willing and able to dish it out but are not thick skinned enough to be able to take it.


It's nice to seee you're such a good sport, RMK.
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Resident Loser

Resident Loser

Senior Audioholic
Whoa! there Buck-a-roo...

...don't get a dirk in yer first post (#16) was directed at the initial poster (#1)...sorry if you took it any other way...I try to address specific posters specifically (even if I don't include a quote) response to you (#18) was in answer to your post (#17)re: my post...Don't take things me you'll know when it's personal, they'll be nothing veiled about it.

My follow up (#64) was posted as a pre-emptive strike, aimed at those self-flagellating types who must wear their hair shirts and attempt to act as apologist for our obviously misguided attempts to pull the various bits of imported fat out of the fire and to anyone one else who might contemplate waving their self-righteous flags in my face.

Simple quote Danny Kaye from the movie The Court Jester:"...get it...good!..."

jimHJJ(...although you did bring up the 2000-odd yrs. of history, didn't you?...hmmmm...still not personal, more hemispheric...)
Resident Loser

Resident Loser

Senior Audioholic
I don' know...

Buckle-meister said:
I don't want to appear ignorant when I don't continue to respond to you Markw so I'll just say it 'for the record'. I won't be replying to you from this point onwards. As occurred in the past, you have (in my opinion of course) repeatedly tried to initiate an angry retort from me. I believe that in this thread you've been baiting me in the hope that should I do so, you can turn around and cry "Ha! I knew it! Now we see your true colours", or something to that extent.

I rarely make the same mistake twice and so I wont be calling you any names or making any angry retorts. I was truly sorry when last we argued, not least because as was pointed out, our feud must've given a terrible impression to the original poster, and so I decided not to respond to you in future...

...Until this thread that is (no sweat Numeronian, don't feel bad), when you compelled me to respond by quoting me. I didn't want to appear ignorant to others (who probably wouldn't know of our past history) as it would've seemed to their eyes if I hadn't replied, and so I did, with the result that the thread has progressively spiralled downward.

Farewell Markw. You may reply to this post as you will; it is of no concern to me as you have now become the first (and hopefully last) person to be placed in my 'Ignore' list. Congratulations sir, I hope you are happy.
...but I think you got it all may want to review the entire thread...markw's post (#34) asks a simple question about a question you posed to me...take a look and try to figure out where it all went wrong...Methinks thou doth protest too much...

jimHJJ( must be that two countries separated by a common language theory...)
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The Numenorian

The Numenorian

Junior Audioholic
Alright, this thread is officially a beast.

Jesus, can we not just talk about the OP instead of b!tching at each other? WAY too many assumptions and generalizations of other people (not even the topic!) are being made here. The Steam Vent may be a good place to get pissed, but c'mon, we have something to talk about here. Might as well talk about it instead of each other's mistakes.

markw, is it your pride and joy in making ad hominem arguments, regardless of their relevance? you've added little to the discussion (which is thin itself) outside of name-calling, prideful assaults, and vindications of "lesser" nations. When are you going to get up and do something about this? And don't expect me not to call you out on your own "stepping up to the plate" just as you vindicated me for my supposed lying.

If anything, this thread has proven that there are many kinds of Americans- some unconditionally proud, some unconditionally pessimistic, and everything in between. But when it comes down to it, we're all still members of the same species, and we'll eventually have to realize that long-term survival depends on unity. So much for worldwide communication, satellites, internet, radio, and TV...


Audioholic Field Marshall
Resident Loser said:
...Don't take things me you'll know when it's personal, they'll be nothing veiled about it.
Thank you. I wouldn't have it any other way. I like to know where I stand.

Resident Loser said:
...although you did bring up the 2000-odd yrs. of history, didn't you?...hmmmm...still not personal...
I promise you, there was nothing personal about it. I quoted you in post number 29 because I felt your words implied that the world couldn't manage on its own without the help of America and I believe this to be incorrect.

Resident Loser said:
...I think you got it all may want to review the entire thread...markw's post (#34) asks a simple question about a question you posed to me...take a look and try to figure out where it all went wrong...
Shoot! I can't see post number 34 anymore. :D Maybe I have got it all wrong Resident Loser. I'll quite happily admit that. But I wouldn't have posted what I did without being sure in my own mind that I was seeing things as they were, and not just through pride and/or prejudice, as falling out with anyone is the last thing I want.

Resident Loser said:
Methinks thou doth protest too much...
I'm sorry you feel this way. You can only call it as you see it of course.


Audioholic Overlord
Another smokescreen, eh?

The Numenorian said:
When are you going to get up and do something about this? And don't expect me not to call you out on your own "stepping up to the plate" just as you vindicated me for my supposed lying.
Actually, I've added quite a bit to this discussion. The fact that it doesn't substantiate your arguments seems to be your main issue here, not the veracity of my input.

Sorry, I've been quietly on the case since the late 80's to the tune of several months work overall and even more thousands of dollars, depending on my financial state that year. I rarely "brag" about it but, for one as pompus and prideful as yourself, I made an exception.

And, I never, out and out called you a liar. I just noted that with your bloated ego and feeling of moral superiority that if you HAD been doing this, you would have most assuredly brought it to light earlier.

Frankly, I don't care what you think about me. I can sleep at night knowing what I and who am. You, however, have so far been nothing except a smokescreen, wrapping yourself in self-rightousness, denigrations and generalizations at every step of the journey.

...and still offering no solutions, just condemnations.

Just what do YOU suggest, and how would we accomplish it?

p.s.. do you know the meaning of the word "vindicated"?
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The Numenorian

The Numenorian

Junior Audioholic
Alright, that's it! I'm pissed! Here is everything.

1- I stated that America DOES NOT deserve to call itself the "best nation," and that Americans shouldn't be over-prideful. NO NATION deserves to be place ITSELF in the chair of world dominance, simply out of its power and success!

2- I am a devoted worker for my church and school. I do many community services, ranging from gleaning to tutoring. I do these things not to benefit myself, but to demonstrate my faith through deeds by helping others. Altruism does indeed have benefits. The fact that I didn't want to brag about this is what you don't see- in fact, the need for bringing up such personal things seemed beyond the point of my OP!!!

3- Do you really believe that America is leading the world up to its potential? We are leading one half of the world, just like in the Cold War- the West is still ours, and much of the East despises US influence and control. Why do you think many nations look down on the US? Unless I'm mistaken in thinking that the world's people do things out of practicality, then isn't it reasonable to conclude that those who look down on the US have justifiable reasons? Maybe we should listen to some of those reasons. Example- September 11th. While certainly not justified, didn't the men who committed it do so out of distaste for American influence in the Mideast and out of distaste for American society, which puts sex, drugs, alcohol, and other influences into the norm?

4- How long will humanity last? Will it last when no one can come together because of isolationism like the kind we voluntary set up for ourselves? This "we and them" attitude will only take us so far. Dammit, it doesn't make sense in the long term to condemn other peaceful nations for historical reasons when alliance can be reached, for the mutual benefit of all! One day, humanity will be faced with a global crisis that no single nation will be able to avert. And eventually, we WILL be faced with extinction in one form or another. How do you plan on isolating yourself from the rest of the world and still surviving? How can you feel that by deifying America you make the world any better? Aloneness only leads to destruction, and social brinkmanship (like in the Cold War) is a precarious situation that doesn't always end up good and well.

You want solutions? Here goes:

-Total worldwide nuclear disarmament (except for energy)
-Reorganization of national spending to fix domestic problems such as poverty, inner city strife, social security, etc.
-Organization of religious/community groups to glean food from US crop fields, which would greatly reduce hunger at home and abroad
-National/state endorsement of sexual laws which curb premarital sex, adultery, pornography, and homosexual relations. All of these things contribute to passing on STDs, some of which can't be protected against. Plus, this reduces high school drop out rates by keeping childbirth within marriage.
-And, although antithetical, this helps reorganize funding by creating new revenue sources: elimination of free trade and re-establishment of national tariffs and excise taxes. This puts more money into the pockets of Americans by removing the need for high income/state/fed. taxes.
-Prioritized funding: putting funds towards highly important areas, like alternative energy sources, unemployment, quality education, transportation, social security, environmental conservation, etc.

Alright, that's my final thought. I am most certainly wrong on some of these, and not thorough or very practical, but these are my opinions. Sorry for misusing 'vindicated'...
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
The Numenorian said:
You want solutions? Here goes:

-Total worldwide nuclear disarmament (except for energy)
No government or agency can be expected to disarm everyone equally. Every government would "keep a little off the books, just in case". Also, why should anyone disarm? And whats to stop them from rebuilding stockpiles after the inspectors leave?
-Reorganization of national spending to fix domestic problems such as poverty, inner city strife, social security, etc.
You're idea of "reform" is my idea of "waste". I want to feed the hungry, you want to let them starve, You want free dental, I want accupuncture.
-Organization of religious/community groups to glean food from US crop fields, which would greatly reduce hunger at home and abroad
Why should a religious/social group I don't endorse tell me what to do with my crops?
-National/state endorsement of sexual laws which curb premarital sex, adultery, pornography, and homosexual relations. All of these things contribute to passing on STDs, some of which can't be protected against. Plus, this reduces high school drop out rates by keeping childbirth within marriage.
A: Nobody ever got VD from Hustler®
B: Forced abortions & sterilization are the only 100% effective form of population control. I'll let you go first.
-And, although antithetical, this helps reorganize funding by creating new revenue sources: elimination of free trade and re-establishment of national tariffs and excise taxes. This puts more money into the pockets of Americans by removing the need for high income/state/fed. taxes.
But I like firetrucks, ambulances, and paved roads.
-Prioritized funding: putting funds towards highly important areas, like alternative energy sources, unemployment, quality education, transportation, social security, environmental conservation, etc.
But your priorities are wrong!


Audioholic Overlord
Conservative? To say the least. One World Government seems more like it.

No insults, no witty reparte. Just my responses to this chilling post.

The Numenorian said:
1- I stated that America DOES NOT deserve to call itself the "best nation," and that Americans shouldn't be over-prideful. NO NATION deserves to be place ITSELF in the chair of world dominance, simply out of its power and success!
Pride is not necessarially a bad thing. Hubris is. We did not ask to be the world leader. It was forced upon us after WWII. Someone had to rebuild Europe and that someone was us and Russia. Who did a better job?

The Numenorian said:
2- I am a devoted worker for my church and school. I do many community services, ranging from gleaning to tutoring. I do these things not to benefit myself, but to demonstrate my faith through deeds by helping others. Altruism does indeed have benefits. The fact that I didn't want to brag about this is what you don't see- in fact, the need for bringing up such personal things seemed beyond the point of my OP!!!
People make up a country. Knowing that many, many people in this country, including us, are really, really trying to make a positive difference should have caused you to temper your vehement dislike for the US in general. Even God let some of Sodom and Gomorrah esacpe his vengance.

The Numenorian said:
3- Do you really believe that America is leading the world up to its potential? We are leading one half of the world, just like in the Cold War- the West is still ours, and much of the East despises US influence and control. Why do you think many nations look down on the US? Unless I'm mistaken in thinking that the world's people do things out of practicality, then isn't it reasonable to conclude that those who look down on the US have justifiable reasons?
I think we do the best we can given what we have to work with. World economics is not as cut and dry as you would like to think. It's hard to remember your original task iwa to drain the swamp when you're up to your arse in alligators. What with many jobs being outsourced and illegals lowering the minimunm wage floor we've got our hands full.

The Numenorian said:
Maybe we should listen to some of those reasons. Example- September 11th. While certainly not justified, didn't the men who committed it do so out of distaste for American influence in the Mideast and out of distaste for American society, which puts sex, drugs, alcohol, and other influences into the norm?
What reasons? The loudest ones I hear is that we're "the Great Satan", and "people of the book" and "Infidels". Now either this is a full blown jihad or they are usiing that as an excuse for their wanting our lifestyle. If not, why is 72 virgins one of the of draws for them? In either case, it's problem we have to deal with. you can't appease a terrorist. As an aside, several of the 9/11 hijjackers were seen at a local titty bar on the evening of 9/10.

The Numenorian said:
4- How long will humanity last? Will it last when no one can come together because of isolationism like the kind we voluntary set up for ourselves? This "we and them" attitude will only take us so far. Dammit, it doesn't make sense in the long term to condemn other peaceful nations for historical reasons when alliance can be reached, for the mutual benefit of all! One day, humanity will be faced with a global crisis that no single nation will be able to avert. And eventually, we WILL be faced with extinction in one form or another.
And, if the whole world doesn't get it together, we're toast and the roaches win by default, but remember, this would be the responsibility of the whole world, NOT just the US. It's a two way street. They have to play, too.

The Numenorian said:
How do you plan on isolating yourself from the rest of the world and still surviving? How can you feel that by deifying America you make the world any better? Aloneness only leads to destruction, and social brinkmanship (like in the Cold War) is a precarious situation that doesn't always end up good and well..
Nobody is diefying America. Many are quick to demonize it, though, and you fall squarely into that category. We didn't Fluck up this world singlehandedly and we can't fix it alone. The fact that we try to fix it more than any other country seems to open us up to criticizm more than praise. What good we do is ignored and our mistakes are amplified. Do you remember when we sent troops after the Indonesian tsunami to rescue people and the local muslims took pot shots at our troops? Remember, he who never does anything wrong does nothing at all.

The Numenorian said:
You want solutions? Here goes:

-Total worldwide nuclear disarmament (except for energy).
Nice idea in theory, but that genie is already out of the bottle. Anyhow, do you know the meaning of the word "terrorist"? Basically, it's one that gains their advantage by everyone else playing by the rules except themselves. If they can blow up innocent children going to school do you really think they would give up their trump card, particularly when nobody else has it? Really now!

The Numenorian said:
-Reorganization of national spending to fix domestic problems such as poverty, inner city strife, social security, etc.
Another nice idea, but human nature seems to dictate that each level of bueracuracy seems to siphon off something for themselves. Look at congress and their "pork barrel" manipulations and New Jersey's School system for more on this.

The Numenorian said:
-Organization of religious/community groups to glean food from US crop fields, which would greatly reduce hunger at home and abroad.
Well, the faith based groups do seem to be leading the charge on this wholly of their own accord. It's too bad that many people rail when the government tries to work through them. No, the Athiests would never stand for this even though it's been shown that it's the most effective way to accomplish this goal.

The Numenorian said:
-National/state endorsement of sexual laws which curb premarital sex, adultery, pornography, and homosexual relations. All of these things contribute to passing on STDs, some of which can't be protected against. Plus, this reduces high school drop out rates by keeping childbirth within marriage.
Good luck getting this pushed through anywhere. Again, the hedonistic Athiests would never stand for this.

The Numenorian said:
-And, although antithetical, this helps reorganize funding by creating new revenue sources: elimination of free trade and re-establishment of national tariffs and excise taxes. This puts more money into the pockets of Americans by removing the need for high income/state/fed. taxes..
We tried this in 1930. Remember the Smoot-Hawley act of 1930 that was supposed to ease our depression? It made it worse. fortunatly, later in that decade, someone read and understood John Maynard Keynes "The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money". It saved our asses. In today's global economy where we import raw goods (not to menton oil) it would be a disaster. Likewise, the other countries would just raise tarrifs on our exports.

The Numenorian said:
-Prioritized funding: putting funds towards highly important areas, like alternative energy sources, unemployment, quality education, transportation, social security, environmental conservation, etc..
I agree this is good in theory but nearly impossible in practice given politics.

The Numenorian said:
-Alright, that's my final thought. I am most certainly wrong on some of these, and not thorough or very practical, but these are my opinions. Sorry for misusing 'vindicated'...
To obtain what you see as an ideal world, it almost seems like the cure would be more deadly than the disease. Well, if this is truly the way you feel, good luck. I hope you can learn to live in this imperfect world without too much angst. It won't be easy.
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