Lucky is a subjective term ...
I haven't heard them here yet.
I dragged two elderly ladies in from my building to show them. Seriously, that's what I did. It was a little too impromptu for SWMBO and that's generally bad luck in the making.
Much later:
That remark about listening to them was eating away at me and instead of working on trim I did enough to find out my ... never mind all whole mess of stuff in between here and there. Thank you Rick for prompting the shake down cruise. They're playing now. Kurt's amp is going in pretty soon. Right now they're playing off the old Onk something or other. In response to your question: This be the sh!t, Homes ... woed.
Little later: I better get to the trim. I caught myself running around planning to hook up Kurt's amp ... I must do trim. But this does sound nicer than anything I ever thought I'd get to hear in my living room. Suh-weeeeeeet.
... must do trim ... ugh. :