Everyone knows with any common sense that you don't have to pay a lot of money for quality or to achieve what you want to personally achieve. An old man once told me, a $25.00 Timex tells time just as good as a $10,000 Rolex, but it depends on who you want to impress with that watch. Same can be said for speakers, a $3000 pair of speakers vs $20,000 speakers. The person no doubt will not be able to tell where their differential investment of $17,000 resides in those $20,000 speakers, those $20,000 speakers might look pretty but is it really worth the price, or is that minimal sound you think you might hear worth the $17,000 difference, only the person with those deep pockets knows, and a person will always defend their position right after they have spent $20,000 on a pair of speakers.