I would rather have this:
Of course you would. I knew you would say that.
No, I heard an old pair of the RBH 1010-SEP at a local dealer's house last year. They blew me away in terms if "punchy" and "musical".
That was when I decided to sell my 190 lbs dual 14" subs/ 4 passive 14" radiators/ 2000 Watts $3,000 DefTech Trinity subwoofer.
I was going to get the 1010-SEN, but you guys changed my mind to the Rythmik, which are superb. But I still could not get that RBH audition out of my mind.
Besides, I have this fascination for passive subwoofers. Something about it. Don't know. Just do.
Also, I find the new SX-1010 very nice looking, unlike that FW and 99% of the subs out there.
Probably something about the 1010SE that only Gene would understand.