I understand. However, this is what irks me just a little bit: your rush into this. You are impatient. Trust me, patience is a virtue, especially with high cost items. Your decision should be calm and assured, unless $4k is chump change to you, which I highly doubt. That's just my take on it.
Anyhoo, just to tear you apart, and give you some nightmares:
58" Panasonic S1 1080p plasma, $1700 after only 2 seconds of research.
Panasonic 4000 (or Epson 8500), $2000.
Dalite screen, $300.
Total = $4000.
Use S1 for your 70% TV, and PJ for 30% bluray.
Of course, your friends will think you're nuts.
EDIT: btw, both S1 and AE4000 are free shipping.
EDIT #2: ok, sleep on it, hope no nightmares. We'll talk tomorrow.