
Audioholic Spartan
If you put a gun to my head, I'd get a Panny without flinching.

Ohhhh, you're right, the rising blacks is only with the G series. Nutz.

So, the only thing you were worried about was a hockey game flicker on a youtube video (we don't know about the video camera, camera flashes, defective tv, weird tv signal, etc)?

lol, get the v10.

or the Samsung, lol. However, I am much more likely to add extended warranty to the Sammy than the Panny.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Thanks again for researching on my behalf :) Ok I promise no more waffling for me I think im going to stick with the Panny since that is what you would still get "or the Samsung" :D Just for kicks I might go look at some of the pictures on the Sammy since I didnt pay much attention to them so maybe there worth a closer look . But Unless I look at one and it gives me the wow factor and something jumps out that I really like im staying with Panny our first choice :D
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
I've watch a lot of hockey and haven't noticed any flicker. BTW...it was me who send Josten the PM....:) The tech told me after calibration my display dropped some 4000 Kelvins and this would reduce energy comsumption by about 30% and extend the life of my panel by about 3yrs. I'm not sure what equipment was used, but the software I believe was Calman 6000....FWIW:eek:.

Even my wife noticed the difference....:eek::)


Senior Audioholic
For the record here I have just over 500 hours on my V10 and my black levels still look great :D
Some V10 owners over at AVS are complaining that their black levels have risen. Also, there is reportedly a very respected calibrator "Dnice" over there who supposedly has some inside information that every single 11G and 12G Panasonic panel WILL be affected. I posted another thread in this sub-forum on it a few weeks ago here at Audioholics. Who knows :confused:
I am not going to worry about it though :cool:


Audioholic Field Marshall
For the record here I have just over 500 hours on my V10 and my black levels still look great :D
Some V10 owners over at AVS are complaining that their black levels have risen. Also, there is reportedly a very respected calibrator "Dnice" over there who supposedly has some inside information that every single 11G and 12G Panasonic panel WILL be affected. I posted another thread in this sub-forum on it a few weeks ago here at Audioholics. Who knows :confused:
I am not going to worry about it though :cool:
Hey Gov I thought it was just G models having that black level rising problem so the V's should be ok wright ? Regardless I think im going to stick with the Panny v65 :D It seems no matter what display Im looking at they all have skeletons in the closet of some sort lol So I might as well go for it !


Senior Audioholic
Hey Gov I thought it was just G models having that black level rising problem so the V's should be ok wright ? Regardless I think im going to stick with the Panny v65 :D It seems no matter what display Im looking at they all have skeletons in the closet of some sort lol So I might as well go for it !
There has been one measured report of black levels rising on AVS. It was on an early build 50V10. The member seemed like a trusted person, but he even said that when there is content on the screen he does not notice the rise. It is just that with the light meter it measured higher than it did when he first calibrated it.
Also, a few other less reputable members at AVS claimed their V10's black levels rose as well, but not without actually measuring it.
According to the AVS thread, Panasonic is actually supposedly looking into this matter and sounds like they will get to the bottom of it eventually.
Do not let this get in the way of your purchase! You have made a good choice ;)


Audioholic Field Marshall
Oh ok I didnt know that but its all good its still Panny FTW :D


Audioholic Spartan
There has been one measured report of black levels rising on AVS. It was on an early build 50V10. The member seemed like a trusted person, but he even said that when there is content on the screen he does not notice the rise. It is just that with the light meter it measured higher than it did when he first calibrated it.
Which, If I understand correctly, is designed on purpose. As it's programmed to boost output over time, it obviously won't be perfect in its adjustment. I guess the G series issue was that the programming was overkill.

Also, a few other less reputable members at AVS claimed their V10's black levels rose as well, but not without actually measuring it.
According to the AVS thread, Panasonic is actually supposedly looking into this matter and sounds like they will get to the bottom of it eventually.
Do not let this get in the way of your purchase! You have made a good choice ;)
Man, blacks are impossible to discern comparatively, unless they are side by side. If they are not side by side, and say one display is much dimmer, then our eyes actually adjust anyways!

I will, with some slight embarassment, share quotes of mine that were two days apart. (I had just had a demo of a very high end JVC projector):

jostenmeat said:
What was interesting about the doubling of black bars was that I could see the PJs absolute blacks versus the "real" absolute black on the sides. There was a considerable difference, and I noted that the PJs absolute blacks were significantly higher than my own even on a retroreflector.
jostenmeat said:
I was paying much more attn to my own absolute blacks on the black bars, and they aren't as good as I thought they were when I was viewing the rs25. The dual sets of black bars at the demo surely just made it more prominent.
Lastly, darned if I have a snowball's chance in hell of finding it, but BMX once posted this really cool image, basically an illusion/trick on the eyes. Basically there was one area called "A" and another "B", both with the exact same darkness, but you would swear to the lord almighty that one was darker, simply because it was a shadow of some (blue?) box/cube thingy. The way you could tell was by masking it out with your hands, IIRC. Pretty neat. Anyways, my quotes above, I think, are pretty related to this type of illusion/trick.

*The whole point of that spiel is related to people's *perceived* differences in blacks.

BMX, if you read this, please post it. Heck, I'll just PM you, hehe, I think it's both entertaining an enlightening. Ok, PM sent, heh.


Audioholic Spartan
OK, quick google shows 141 (greatest EVAH), for 4.3k at this store, but I have NO IDEA if they are even slightly reputable.
OK, researching. 6.5/10 at resellerratings.


The much better price also happens to have a much better rating at rr. 8.5/10.

Interesting. Can't find it at BBB though. The price here is pretty much what people were getting a while back last year, and if I was looking for a large flat panel, the odds are very high that I choose this. Then again, I am known as the bigger-is-better guy around here, and well 17% extra isn't chump change, if that's the right figure . . . ok, I had to look, 17.4 is what typed when I was doing that stuff . . .


Audioholic Spartan
This is from one of your links is this one of the ones you were talking about ? What do you think http://www.abesofmaine.com/item.do?item=PRPDP6020FD&id=PRPDP6020FD&l=NEXTAG and they accept paypal which I really like
Personally, if I went with Pioneer, I'd want an Elite. Call me greedy. Hey, the 6020 is an excellent TV. It's just that the 600M/141/151 is the greatest ever made, and it will be at least a little while (years) before we see that quality surpassed.

But . . . I dunno man, your call.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Personally, if I went with Pioneer, I'd want an Elite. Call me greedy. Hey, the 6020 is an excellent TV. It's just that the 600M/141/151 is the greatest ever made, and it will be at least a little while (years) before we see that quality surpassed.

But . . . I dunno man, your call.
I only have about 4200 max to spend though : ( So Panny or the 6020 ? I think I could only swing a 50" in the elite and that would be to small I think.


Audioholic Spartan
I already shared my research from tonight, in post #130. RR has 6.5/10 rating, whereas the artofsale place has a 8.5/10 rating, and a much better price to boot. I'm not saying you are perfectly fine there, and for all I know, they could be just bait n switching us, and really are out of stock, who knows.

You sure you don't want a projector?



Audioholic Field Marshall
LOL No projector for me its out of my league . Ok back to the Panny v65 my little brains to tired tonight . I think im waffling again its a bad habit I have when I start getting close to picking up a big purchase I think its like a panic mode I go into :eek: :D


Audioholic Spartan
LOL No projector for me its out of my league . Ok back to the Panny v65 my little brains to tired tonight . I think im waffling again its a bad habit I have when I start getting close to picking up a big purchase I think its like a panic mode I go into :eek: :D
I understand. However, this is what irks me just a little bit: your rush into this. You are impatient. Trust me, patience is a virtue, especially with high cost items. Your decision should be calm and assured, unless $4k is chump change to you, which I highly doubt. That's just my take on it.

Anyhoo, just to tear you apart, and give you some nightmares:

58" Panasonic S1 1080p plasma, $1700 after only 2 seconds of research.
Panasonic 4000 (or Epson 8500), $2000.
Dalite screen, $300.

Total = $4000.

Use S1 for your 70% TV, and PJ for 30% bluray.

Of course, your friends will think you're nuts.

EDIT: btw, both S1 and AE4000 are free shipping.

EDIT #2: ok, sleep on it, hope no nightmares. We'll talk tomorrow.
Last edited:


Senior Audioholic
LOL No projector for me its out of my league . Ok back to the Panny v65 my little brains to tired tonight . I think im waffling again its a bad habit I have when I start getting close to picking up a big purchase I think its like a panic mode I go into :eek: :D
I think Josten's messin with your mind :D:D

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