A monster of a problem
All of the situations involving Monster Cable, as described by various posters, is something that could happen. However, when someone is tweaking your nose, watch out for the guy sneaking up to kick your butt. Please let me explain this statement and post some items that need serious consideration by all. I mean, if Monster Cable can sue a transmission shop, what if:
1. Monster Cable Police intercept the errant, little monsters at Halloween and issue them citations for wearing the wrong costumes? There isn't much money in it unless they can prove collusion with the parents, but they could put a grab on the candy baskets--"fruit of the poisoned tree" is the precedent.
2. Monster Cable sues companies such as Disney and Pixar for use of the name "Monster" in Monsters, Inc. (wait, they tried that already), or sues the company that just filmed Monsters vs Aliens and the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris for the use of gargoyles at the end of the drainage system (they are a kind of monster, nez pas?)?
3. Monster Cable sues any of the dictionaries for not including the copyright info and by permission of Monster Cable for the use of the word "monster" under "M". Brand identity is important here..."when you think monster, you think cables" is their motto.
4. Monster Cable sues the Monster Truck bubbas for doing all that crushing and racing under the "Monster" moniker?
5. Monster Cable sues the Monitor Lizard for a name that is too close for comfort (not to mention the lizard)? I mean, if you try to connect up with that creature, you'll get quite a shock.
6. Monster Cable sues Monster Transmission for the development of an interconnect that allows drivers to listen to their transmission via the audio system in their car? I'm sure that would be a big seller and is something that should be monitored closely. I can't see the connection myself, but the sharp eyes and ears of Monster Cable wouldn't miss it. Maybe it could be called a "Monster Transmission - Digital Audio Monitor" (MT-DAM).
7. Monster Cable sues the dinosaurs for just being there 65 million years ago?
8. Monster Cable sues the Cookie Monster? A guy that lives in a garbage can can't have much representation and would be an easy mark.
I'm sure that others can think of more potential and risky problem areas.
BTW, am having some custom speakers made and just sent the builder a quickie email to not use Monster Cable products within the cabinets. A small victory to be sure, but if repeated enough times....