I understand now! I think really however, mainly due to cost, this isn't really a great option for me. I understand and like the brightness factor, Perhaps someday I would upgrade to that. Right now however, it's not in the cards.
Same here.
So it's a good idea to get a projector that gives you the option of upgrading to anamorphic lens.
But if you get a projector that has awesome black levels and brightness, I don't think it's a big deal to have those lines on the top and bottom when watching 2.40:1 movies.
Another HUGE factor to consider in a projector is placement. If you are limited, it's a great idea to get a projector like the 1080UB that gives you both Veritcal and Horizontal lens shift.
The opposite is the Optoma projector. Although it has awesome specs, it does not have any vertical or horizontal lens shift at all. So you would have to physically move the projector to get into position. I'm okay with that, but some people are not.