Acudef are you sitting there scanning my brain with some Xmen type brain wave reader?
I am planning on the focupix 100"(maybe bigger. Need to measure) fixed 2.35.
I can't see anything stopping me from getting the epson. It's high enough quality to make me happy, and relatively inexpensive enough that I wouldn't mind upgrading when we expand for a theater room on this house or move out etc.
What amazes me about both of these products is no one has anything BAD to say. Nothing definitive that they wish was done differently. I can't find a solid negative comment really. Maybe that the 1080ub does not play nice with anamorphic lenses. That isn't an issue for me since I will just use the zoom method.
I'm going on vacation tonight, but when I get back I think the visa will come out to play. The only thing stopping me now is how to get rid of my 2nd full size snooker table!

I wish I liked billiards the 2 tables I inherrited with the house are amazing, but for me, it's just in the way. I nearly cried demolishing the antique tables slate!
Screen choice CHECK
PJ choice CHECK
Receiver... yeah.. =) That's a different forum thread I supose :sigh:
2 table.... Angle grinder here I come.
Thank you guys so much for all the help!