Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Slumlord
I checked out a Thomas Keller thing on Master Class on making Hollandaise. Odd choice of interests considering some heart health issues but it would be nice to be excellent at one highly skilled task before I kick.

BTW I am selling hauntings for after I do kick. Payment in advance of course. Like I could come back and terrorize your in laws for a group rate.

I’m healthy and all but since the alert went up a few weeks ago, I have been doing the Fred Sanford chest clutch when the argument doesn’t go my way.


Audioholic Slumlord
Yeah, so, I almost got fired yesterday.

A regular customer came in dressed in a big puffy sparkly gold coat and a big puffy sparkly gold hat. I said, "Bea, you look so festive!".
She said, "Oh thank you, Barry!". Then I started to say, " I just want to hang you from a tree"...:eek:...:eek:...:confused:... Tree, as in Christmas tree, because her height and width are the same, she looked like a freakin' gold ornament.

Did you read the part where I mentioned she's black? :oops:

Fortunately I stopped mid sentence at "want".

The name's a matter of public record.


Audioholic Slumlord
My gf and her niece said they thought I needed a mood stabilizer. If they knew the half of it … :D


Audioholic Slumlord
Traditional male mood stabilizers include guns, booze, sex, and food.


Audioholic Slumlord
So I woke up in the OR. It took 5 of them to hold me down to administer more drugs. Then the oxy didn’t work so they just left me in tears for like ke 6 hours. I’m on fentanyl and oxy. 50 mg / 2 hours for fentanyl. 10 mg every 4 hours for the oxy.

I just thought I posted before but thought it might have been removed because of a murder plot.

I have a list. The pain from the waking up was choice. I bit the tube in half and pushed it out with my tongue. I fought hard too. I was gonna turn that OR into a post office. Luckily nobody got hurt … except me.

I thought it was interesting that I didn’t want to die being in that much pain. Btw pain is yellow. I couldn’t see anything else. Which was lucky for them.


Audioholic Slumlord
OMG ... but I'm home. It's safe to say that I made some mistakes along the way. This is the big leagues for chest cutters. I told mine that everything hurt. He said that they didn't operate on everything. I told him my hair hurt.

I suppose I owe them my life. And my eternal thanks for having a man wash me.
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Audioholic Warlord
OMG ... but I'm home. It's safe to say that I made some mistakes along the way. This is the big leagues for chest cutters. I told mine that everything hurt. He said that they didn't operate on everything. I told him my hair hurt.

I suppose I owe them my life. And my eternal thanks for having a man wash me.
Consider yourself lucky that you have hair – even if it hurts!

But seriously, welcome back. The first day home from surgery can be tough, but as the next few days go by, you'll be increasingly glad you're not in that hospital.

Ask your health insurance if they still pay for the first two therapeutic lap dances.

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