Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Warlord
The swamp is truly blessed this day …

14.2? Who do you think you are, ADTG? Reply reply.
Lol its a small space, but I packed as much stuff as I could into it. I also really need to do something with the subs. They look pretty rough after 3 moves.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
You know I was wondering how close you might be. At least for now, summers are being spent at the house with a baby. So I’m home a lot lol.
Yeah. That would give some explanation to your absence. I'm not going to admit it is a good excuse. ;)

Seriously though, congrats! My little one is now 19 and now that the gap year is over heads to college in a couple of weeks. Time does fly.

I am less than 2 hours North. I will try and ping you next time I head your way. I have a new toy that I need excuses to drive now that I work from home.


Audioholic Warlord
Yeah. That would give some explanation to your absence. I'm not going to admit it is a good excuse. ;)

Seriously though, congrats! My little one is now 19 and now that the gap year is over heads to college in a couple of weeks. Time does fly.

I am less than 2 hours North. I will try and ping you next time I head your way. I have a new toy that I need excuses to drive now that I work from home.
Lol for sure. I’m actually thinking of leaving teaching. That work from home stuff is super appealing, especially these days.

Time definitely does fly. We’re almost to 9 months and it doesn’t seem that long ago we were in the NICU.

Yea just let me know. I’m around.


Audioholic Warlord
Ugh. I joined a tech/computer forum and shared my computer desk build. Now I've got people who haven't left their parents basement in at least 3 years who have "wiped on a finish to some shelves in the basement" one time telling me how to woodwork. f%^#*&@ nerds. I'm starting to remember why I stopped going to forums on the internet lol.


Audioholic Slumlord
Now I've got people who haven't left their parents basement in at least 3 years who have "wiped on a finish to some shelves in the basement" one time telling me how to woodwork.
It should be me telling you what to do without having a clue myself.


Isn't Mahogany a little soft to use as a table top?

See? I'm good at it.


Audioholic Warlord
Ugh. I joined a tech/computer forum and shared my computer desk build. Now I've got people who haven't left their parents basement in at least 3 years who have "wiped on a finish to some shelves in the basement" one time telling me how to woodwork. f%^#*&@ nerds. I'm starting to remember why I stopped going to forums on the internet lol.
I've been a member of various PC related forums over the years and those folks are just a different breed. They know their stuff, but normal interactions with people are not something any of them seem to be good at.

Some of them, especially the old school guys, are fine, but they've actually left the basement a few times.


Audioholic Slumlord
Ugh. I joined a tech/computer forum and shared my computer desk build. Now I've got people who haven't left their parents basement in at least 3 years who have "wiped on a finish to some shelves in the basement" one time telling me how to woodwork. f%^#*&@ nerds. I'm starting to remember why I stopped going to forums on the internet lol.
I hang out on STH Forums, but even they have a solitary focus on DIY home server builds. Some folks are extremely knowledgeable in complex firmware and networking details.
But DIY desktop PC crowd? No thanks. I've had enough leet talk


Audioholic Slumlord
After hearing kef r1s I dusted off my gear and removed the grills from the SongTowers. The ribbon that Salk replaced looked different and me enough that I swapped it out for the ribbon in the center channel.

No difference in sound that I could hear was the result. I considered using drc again after trying to fine tune the HT some. Turns out the HT is tuned just fine and is just the way I like it already.

Maybe I’ll give drc a go again during a particularly obnoxious movie.

So my tweeters are offset. They’re on the inner side of the soundstage now. I wondered about swapping the left and right speakers to have the teeets on the outer edge. Not wondering hard enough that I want to do any lifting.

Almost listened to Offspring cause of Steve but no. And Rush? Never.

Gonna eat, nap and go get a cardio gram. In a few weeks I get a CTA scan I think. They said no boner pills for that. Kind of a shame, really.

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