I just want to point out the hypocrisy with this whole not wearing a mask thing. I see a lot of trumpers whining that masks are a violation of their civil rights. That mandating people wear them in public is a violation of the law. The same people complaining that gun control is violating their civil rights as gun owners. Here's the thing, when a trumper holds a sign in protest of wearing a mask that says, my body my rights ( I have seen this so it's a fact) or decides to share data collected from back in January stating that wearing a mask does not prevent one from infection they are simply showing hostile rebellion to keep with the party line and feel they are giving the middle finger to democrats. I see this daily on the governors safety tweets in my state. People are hostile, act like we are under a nazi regime, etc... all because they are asked to wear a mask "TO PROTECT OTHER PEOPLE". Trumpers see wearing a mask as caving in to democrats when in fact, it's scientists and doctors AND OTHER REPUBLICANS asking everyone to wear masks. Sorry most scientist and doctors are democrats, you are damn lucky. It's this whole trumper cult mentality and GED armchair experts that is the cause of America having massive rises in the spread of the virus while literally every single country in the world not infected with Trumpism has either completely tackled the virus already or are on a sharp decline.
Simply wearing masks will not prevent one from becoming infected, we already know this. In reality, it's meant to reduce the amount of vile you spew from your toxic mouths into the air and onto surfaces that could potentially infect someone else. You see trumper, you are asked to wear a mask to "slow" the spread by not getting your raving spittle on other people. It's a humanitarian thing. In fact, in can be considered a "pro-life" thing since many people of all ages and ethnicity have proven to die from it in massive numbers. It is NOT the flu regardless of what Fox News has told you. So as conservatives quit often sit on their pedestals preaching about being "pro-life" they are in fact pro-death. To protect the living children that are already born and breathing that are attending classes from being massacred with weapons designed for mass murder, that is pro-life. To protect immune compromised lung transplant or cancer survivors from potentially being infected with a deadly virus, that is pro-life. Not forcing schools and business to re-open in red zones where the pandemic is as it's worse all for the sake of poll numbers and money, that is pro-life. To allow women and couples the right to privacy of what they do with their own bodies and to not invade their wombs which is in direct violation of the whole "my body my rights" facade, that is pro-life. I get that conservatives have one single platform that they fight for, Abortion. Yes it's a horrible thing, no one likes the idea of it and it certainly can be a gruesome thought. Using disinformation, misguided ideals and exaggerating the time frame in which people have it done is the platform, much like any other conservative platform. However, it's still the mothers choice and no one else's so people need to mind their own business since real, living people walking the earth need that attention more. Conservatives spend way too much time worried about what other people are doing and things that are not even born yet than what they can do to contribute and help those living souls that it everyone's help for real. It's less productive to fight about abortion than it is to simply wear a damn mask and shut the hell up. Seriously, if people are going to protest and picket over wearing a mask... we have greater issues in American society that need addressed like education reform. But they will protest that too.