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Audioholic Overlord
McConnell told him to say nothing or else if I heard it correctly. And he would have been blamed for interfering with the election.
A lose lose situation.
But yet the dems are bending over backwards to blame Trump for this. ...think about it.


Audioholic Jedi
Wut? It's not new, for either side. Clintons & Whitewater- they used 'I do not recall' as their mantra before leaving office and writing their memoirs.Members of Congress seem to have it tattoo'd on the inside of their eyelids.
Only for questions about two adults getting some nookie....nothing but a pimple compared to the huge festering mess that is the republican lie network.


Audioholic Overlord
I could tell the guy was unstable so I wanted to see if I could drive him crazy.

Turned out to be a short drive.
Just gotta poke that button, hunh?

One day you'll find a higher purpose in life, but I think that will turn out to be a very long drive!:p


Audioholic Slumlord
Just gotta poke that button, huh?
... and not just once.

Maybe. I think we'll just have different problems unless some are ended soon, as in, during this term.
Again, I wanted to see if I could get this guy really going.

I have no idea what problems are getting presidential attention.

For the record, I'm probably a little left leaning and anytime I make a pro-Trump statement, it's to drive someone crazy and is likely something I just made up. Yes, this is what I call a good time.


Seriously, I have no life.
But yet the dems are bending over backwards to blame Trump for this. ...think about it.
Well, Trump and team did contact the Russian go betweens. And all the obstruction of justice, who else but he can be blamed.


Audioholic Overlord
Well, Trump and team did contact the Russian go betweens. And all the obstruction of justice, who else but he can be blamed.
You just keep on telling yourself that. Enjoy your swim in that Egyptian river.

her turn.jpg
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Audioholic Spartan
For the record, I'm probably a little left leaning and anytime I make a pro-Trump statement, it's to drive someone crazy and is likely something I just made up. Yes, this is what I call a good time.
Come on, admit it, you're afraid to come out of the closet ;)


Audioholic Overlord
Nice. You just keep drinking that Russian koolaid. Read the report!
I'ma gin and tonic man myself. Nothing's gonna happen to Donny boy. All it'll be is the democrats jerking each other off to get their thralls all worked up, jump up and down, howl, pound their chests, and fling poo..


Audioholic Spartan
I'ma gin and tonic man myself. Nothing's gonna happen to Donny boy. All it'll be is the democrats jerking each other off to get their thralls all worked up, jump up and down, howl, pound their chests, and fling poo..
Perhaps lighten up on the gin as the tonic is clearly too strong for you? ;)


Audioholic Spartan
Left.... Left.... left right left, you're in the Army now, not behind a plow, you'll never get rich by digging a ditch, you're in the Army now ...............


Audioholic Spartan
Left.... Left.... left right left, you're in the Army now, not behind a plow, you'll never get rich by digging a ditch, you're in the Army now ...............
I like the Status Quo version more, but the original lyrics did not have this emphasis of left and right o_O

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Seriously, I have no life.
Why should he read the Mueller report when 8chan, InfoWars and Fox "News" have the abridged version?
You are right; wasn't thinking clearly, my mistake. forgiveness is asked. Will try to sin no more.
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