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Audioholic Overlord
I love how you leftie jokers all think you know more than Mueller. Delusional much. or simply running on pure hatred?

trump collusion evidence.jpg


Audioholic Jedi
I'ma gin and tonic man myself. Nothing's gonna happen to Donny boy unfortunately, he and his crew will be busy jerking each other off to get their thralls all worked up, jump up and down, howl, pound their chests, and fling poo..
FTFY again


Audioholic Overlord
Perhaps you have rudimentary reading skills, but it is just poor sources of information you choose to dwell on....or ignore all those folks he employed that were. As bugs would say, what a maroon!


Seriously, I have no life.


Audioholic Overlord
My mistake, If Barr so stated, it must be true.

Oh, wait, did he present any evidence or just made an unsubstantiated claim.
Facts please, not claims.
Gotta love it. For two years y'all were rubbing your hands saying that Mueller's gonna nail Trump to the cross.

Now that fell through, you're all apoplectic

poop like this.jpg


Seriously, I have no life.
Gotta love it. For two years y'all were rubbing your hands saying that Mueller's gonna nail Trump to the cross.

Now that fell through, you're all apoplectic
Actually, if you would bother to read the report or listen to factual reporting of it, you would know the truth. he cannot be indicted because of the Justice department rule that a sitting president cannot be. But Congress can Impeach..
You need to read the report, part 1, page 1, para 2. He was nailed, the Russians interfered in sweeping and systematic fashion. Just wait.
Obstruction of justice, the same, at least 10 incidence.
It is you who has head in sand.


Seriously, I have no life.


Audioholic Samurai
Did Barr talk about Clinton?
Oh, wait, Barr just mischaracterize the report, totally. Read the Mueller letter to Barr how Barr failed to capture context, nature and substance of the report.
No indictments due to Justice department guidelines. Mueller was not about to break those rules even if it is not law.
And here is your proof.

Not surprised. I felt the same outrage as I read it and then to have Barr come out and state that Trump had been exonerated was just what I thought it was, bullsh!t.


Audioholic Overlord
And here is your proof.

Not surprised. I felt the same outrage as I read it and then to have Barr come out and state that Trump had been exonerated was just what I thought it was, bullsh!t.
Yeah, he is supposed to be the non-partial attorney general for the country, but his approach is that of Trump's private attorney. By all reports, he had a good reputation as someone who would put truth and justice at the top (although his opinion piece that the president should be held above the law was pretty shocking - I don't want that for the next Democratic president, either). He has ruined his reputation, that is certain, although I imagine he can survive financially on cronyism.


Seriously, I have no life.
That he is, as they called him in 1992, cover up General.
And, he lied to Congress, to the senate and perhaps the house as well. In the reruns. :D
Feels like a dictatorship around the Trumpster, protect at all cost. :mad:
And, democracy is not in danger? Sure looks like it is.


Audioholic Jedi
Let's all take a moment to congratulate the drumpf for his latest presidential record....hitting the 10,000 lies/misleading statements count during his presidency (if you counted before, probably in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions). What a president!
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