I can't see bunching all ID companies together... FOR EXAMPLE.. I think Aperion is a big rip off, I have heard the entire line, and they are over priced crap, TO ME, that is, if someone bought them and loves them, then who cares what I think, or any of us for that matter, if some one likes the sound of the parts express cheapO bookshelf over a pair of $10,000 bookshelfs that on paper look like they sound like an angel orgy, then good for them, they should buy the $50 speaker no matter what their budget is...
Heres the thing to think about, we buy audio equipment for the entire experience, aesthetics, sound, status, durability, ect... If I am building a system for a room that a certain speaker fits into the decor perfectly, I may overlook another speaker that maybe had a better midrange but was super ugly... We all have our priorities, I know my rooms would sound better with egg cartons glued to the ceilings and walls, and big bass traps throughout all the corners, but I have to live here, I don't want to look at that stuff so I don't install it, I will live with the acoustics how they are, not to have ugly crap all over the walls...
As fas as ID companies and commercially available products, again its what the end user wants, if he likes the thought of buying direct then that should help effect his decision, if he wants a big corporation behind his purchase and a store front with the personal service {in person} then buy something available locally {these places are hard to find as of late, and you are limited to what they offer}... It just all depends on the end user and his "wants", its that simple..
I have heard many speakers that I thought sounded great and were priced right BUT I didn't like the look of so would never consider for my own home... I have also bought speakers that I don't care what they look like, for example my ascend/HSU 5.2 setup, its ugly, black vinyl covered boxes, kind of large, nothing fancy.. But they sound great for the money and they are in a room that only my family uses, in that room sound and price were more important to me than aesthetics and presentation...
Walters micon system for example, it could sound fantastic but it is not very visually appealing, the light wood, big boxy cabinets, giant center channel, lack of grills {not sure if they have grills I haven't seen a a pic of them with a set}, ect. would be a turn off for me, then of course the price would be the second nail in that casket, lol I am cheap...
When spending a lot of money {comparatively, "a lot" can be $50 to someone making $14 an hour but that could be lunch for another person}, make sure you test everything in your price range, look them over, make sure they fit all of your preferences and sound appealing to you, its that simple... I also factor in resale value since I change stuff around all the time, but that is up to the buyer and what he wants or expects from the system....
We all have different likes, wants, preferences, ect.. So when we give advice on here no one is wrong as long as they are honest and don't let their personal biases weigh their recommendations too much, for example if you spent $15K on a system and because of that nothing that costs less can sound better, well you need to realize that you have a bias, most likely there is a lot of stuff better for less, but because you spent X amount your brain may not allow you to be as open minded to equipment costing less as you should be....
When it comes to HT, I personally think anyone spending a ton of money on equipment, shouldn't.. lol.. Get a nice sub or set of subs, some decent bookshelfs for the front end and surrounds. If you think you can "critically" listen to a movie like you do music, you are borderline insane
, lol , but we all have different preferences, for example some people want to listen LOUD, to me, sure Ill pump a movie up here and there, but it takes away from the enjoyment of music, unless i am at a concert, I don't want to wake up with a headache, music can be enjoyed much more {imo} at a reasonable lever vs 105+db, lol.. I have noticed if you feel like you keep needing to turn up the volue, you need better speakers, when I listen to some speakers I keep turning it up, and up, and up and then I realize no matter how loud it is, its NOT going to sound good, you are turning it up to get more from something that doesn't have "it".....