Since Gregg's only sells cherry pie for two weeks out of the year I'd advise you to rethink your sexual preference within the next week if you have any intention of gettin' you some a dat.
When do they stop selling it march 1'st? they used to do that with the carrot cake too, only certain times it was there and then it went away and came back... I think that's a RI thing, take it away and people want it. A friend of mine moved to TN and when ever we go visit him I have to bring him NY system wieners {my wife hates this} I have a small cooler, and I go rite before the airport {reservoir ave in cranston} and then put them in the cooler, and she makes me tape it closed so it doesn't open by accident {open it for 3 seconds and that smell will never go away}, but you can picture what the TSA thinks of you walking through the airport with a duct taped cooler.. But the worse part is, I knew this guy for a long time while he lived here, and I NEVER seen him eat a hot wiener {old gym buddy} but since he cant have them, now he craves them and its a huge deal when he has them....
I think I have eaten everything on the menu at Greggs, My father has been friends with Bob since the 80's, have done work with the Bacon family for years, very nice people... But the cheese cake is the key, I think the cherry pie is good, but I can not resist the blueberry chz cake, next the strawberry, then the carot cake, then the eclair, so they need to be out of 4 deserts for me to even consider the cherry pie.....
You really screwed me now, I am going to call and pay for 2 chz cakes over the phone and have my friend Steve pick them up {he lives off Rodman Ln and has to drive by greggs to come here today}.. I am going to gain 20 lbs this weekend..... I can smell my breakfast cooking rite now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still haven't left my bedroom...