I must say, After turning 19, my tastes have changed. I still like Guinness, Kokanee (Gold), but now, I like some other brews.
Stella Artois - IMO the Best I've ever had. I put it in my fridge under the air vent, and it coated the outside of the bottle in ice, but left the beer unfrozen. It was bliss.
Kilkenny - I had this on St. Pattys day. Very smooth. Tastes good warm or cold. Made by Guinness so it had that perfect pour deely.
Becks - I had some of these camping. Traded some Guinness for these and they were quite tasty. Similar to Stella, but didn't have the same bite(I prefer the stella bite), they were smoother.
Anywho, thats my update until I get around to trying other, fancier brews.