Your favorite Brew?

Whats your favorite brew?

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Audioholic Warlord
vaf3 said:
First off there isnt a damn thing out there that beats a thirty pack of natty light for 12 bucks haha. I'm glad to see you thought the same when you were in my shoes.

But I am surprised to see no Blue Moon listed. I love blue moons. I go to Pitt and there's dollar blue moons every wednesday night at Hemmingways. Needless to say waking up for work wasnt so fun this morning :mad: .

Remember, the poll has a "other" option aswell.

Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
vaf3 said:
First off there isnt a damn thing out there that beats a thirty pack of natty light for 12 bucks haha. I'm glad to see you thought the same when you were in my shoes.

But I am surprised to see no Blue Moon listed. I love blue moons. I go to Pitt and there's dollar blue moons every wednesday night at Hemmingways. Needless to say waking up for work wasnt so fun this morning :mad: .

Natty light is too watered down. Too hard to get a buzz on that cowpis. If you're going for cheap, Busch Light or Natty Ice works better. MacMan lives by Miller High Life 30 packs.

I will agree with you Blue Moon is a good beer. The orange slice compliments it nicely. A buck for a Blue Moon is a steal! That's what you pay in a carry out shop.

Michelob makes a seasonal heifeweizen every now and then. Kroger carries a nice selection, and every once in awhile you'll see it. Heifeweizen is one of my favorite beers.


Fat Weasel Pic.

If you ever see this beer in a Trader Joes, snag it and give it a try. Gotta Love the picture! :D



Senior Audioholic
I prefer black and tans:

1 bottle Guinness darught
1 botle harp lager

pour into a liter mug, and enjoy this taste of Ambrosia.


Full Audioholic
mmmmmmmmm Beer.
Im lucky that I started working for a New Co last year and its like the tech days in 90's. Free Beer on fridays and all the gooides you can eat and drink the rest of the week.
I tried a beer from the Long Trail brewing co called "Double Bag" with its smooth taste you wouldnt expetc the 7.2% alcohol content... :) Good stuff


Audioholic Warlord
I must say, After turning 19, my tastes have changed. I still like Guinness, Kokanee (Gold), but now, I like some other brews.

Stella Artois - IMO the Best I've ever had. I put it in my fridge under the air vent, and it coated the outside of the bottle in ice, but left the beer unfrozen. It was bliss.

Kilkenny - I had this on St. Pattys day. Very smooth. Tastes good warm or cold. Made by Guinness so it had that perfect pour deely.

Becks - I had some of these camping. Traded some Guinness for these and they were quite tasty. Similar to Stella, but didn't have the same bite(I prefer the stella bite), they were smoother.

Anywho, thats my update until I get around to trying other, fancier brews.



Sheep said:
Stella Artois - IMO the Best I've ever had. I put it in my fridge under the air vent, and it coated the outside of the bottle in ice, but left the beer unfrozen. It was bliss.

Like I said before, Belgian beers and ales are the Rolls Royce of brews.


Audioholic Samurai
majorloser said:
Like I said before, Belgian beers and ales are the Rolls Royce of brews.
I'm drinking a Chimay right now (Belgian). Cheers.


Audioholic Warlord
majorloser said:
Like I said before, Belgian beers and ales are the Rolls Royce of brews.
Complete agreement moderloser.



Johnd said:
Blue (Peres Trappistes). Those Trappist Monks really know their stuff.
Actually the blues is the Grande Reserve. They're all Peres Trappistes.

EDIT: I still can't get the magnums. I guess they don't ship the big bottles to the States.


Audioholic Samurai
After my 10th (or so) annual trip to the "Great taste of the Midwest" microbrew festival I still conclude that the best domestic stout is still Grey's Oatmeal Stout. I have yet to find an American dark beer that comes close.
If you guys can get your hands on this stuff I highly reccomend it. It's brewed here in Wisconsin. Good stuff! Hic:p


Audioholic Samurai
Nomo said:
After my 10th (or so) annual trip to the "Great taste of the Midwest" microbrew festival I still conclude that the best domestic stout is still Grey's Oatmeal Stout. I have yet to find an American dark beer that comes close.
If you guys can get your hands on this stuff I highly reccomend it. It's brewed here in Wisconsin. Good stuff! Hic:p
If you ever make it to Brew City, try Louie's Demise at the Milwaukee Alehouse. Not a top ten, but certainly worth honorable mention, especially as a local brew.


Audioholic Samurai
Johnd said:
If you ever make it to Brew City, try Louie's Demise at the Milwaukee Alehouse. Not a top ten, but certainly worth honorable mention, especially as a local brew.
Actually, I did try that one. It was very good.


Audioholic Warlord
Little Update.

Well, I've been venturing to the 1 bottle isle in the Gov. liquor stores lately, tasting different brews, then putting hte bottles on my mantel behind my TV.

I found one called "Black Sheep Ale" so naturally I selected it. Not bad, very thick and dark. Not as tasty as a Guinness though.

Anywho, here is a picture of my collection. Anyone else do this?



Yay, I found the beer thread.

I'm one that gets labelled beer snob but I really like a wide variety of beers. My choice of brew will depend on the season. Dark room tempurature ales in the winter. A pilsener or a lager on a hot summer day. I love a nice heffy. With food it depends on the food because there are beers that can actually go with chocolate cake (Oatmeal Stout). Some regular buys for me are Pilsener Urquell, Big Rock Traditional Ale or Sleeman Cream Ale. Sleeman draft is nice sometimes too. My very favourite brew is Unibroue La fin du Monde. I love trying new beers.

I cannot drink Coors Light and would give it a zero out of 100 for a rating. It has no bouquet and has a head that looks like used dish soap. It offers little in the way of colour and appearance and the flavour is simply horrid. I describe it as effervescent water with a hint of cream corn and icing sugar. Vile, horrid stuff. I prefer a nice glass of water.

No one has pointed out the great North American beer myth that Canadian beer is stronger than American beer. Truth is they are generally the same but Canada measures alchohol by volume and the U.S. uses alcohol by weight. Most of the macro brewed beer is the same in both countries.

Big Rock Grasshopper Ale makes a great chaser for Wild Turkey or Jim Beam. I'm not a fan of JD.


here's my choices...

Nothing like a black and tan in my opinion. Also like Pilsner Urquel. For mixed drinks, Jack D & Coke is my choice.

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