Belgian Ale
Hoeggarden, Maudite, Chimay... those are the "popular" ones here in Chicago, but there's a microbrewery in every bar in Belgium.
I also like some of the "beer cocktails" such as Black & Tan= Guinnes+Bass, Hooligan=Guinnes+Hoeggarden...
For a completely different state of mind, they make this in Mexico and it's incredibly refreshing:
1. frosted tall glass (with salt, not sugar)
2. 2 or 3 ice cubes
3. lime juice (2 or 3 medium size key limes)
4. some extra salt
5. your favorite Mexican lager, I go with Pacifico
It's called Michelada (Mee-cheh-LAH-Dah), oh, how I miss the sun on this Winter day in Chicago... good thing I'm leaving for Mexico this weekend