Letter to Yamaha
Again, if you're interested (or have been following the AVS thread), here is the email we sent to a number of people, including Yamaha. (it's been edited slightly for privacy reasons)
please let me know if it's any good.
For a start, we are really frustrated with the seeming Yamaha’s lack of timely response and not even keeping us informed.
Therefore, a day or so ago, my son (ME, krazykaj) has begun to make enquiries within those in the industry, on the internet, about our problems and experience with Yamaha. While we deeply regret having to do this, but we feel we have been more than generous far too long. Without Yamaha keeping us informed, we feel forced to gather our own information and, more importantly, to create for us a sense of some action.
The responses so far may be of interest to you. The responses should be of a very serious interest to Yamaha’s most senior management in Australia and overseas, especially with the kind of attention my son’s enquiries have generated in barely a day and a half, including on influential web sites.
Even *if* the cause of our Z9 problem is *wholly* from the user end (which we do not agree), Yamaha should be helping *you* to resolve it for us. We all know that a faulty item will turn up now and then. This is not our major complaint – though receiving three faulty units in a row is one of our major concerns as well.
Our major concern now is the after-sale service, which for the Z9 is promoted that it will be top class, with which we are astonished. Almost three months later, three Z9 units later, with a lot of wasted time and extra expense to us, we are still no closer to a satisfactory resolution on our problem. The situation is now well beyond “just return the Z9” and giving us our money back.
The forums where we have asked about Z9 were:
In America, (edit) bob president of bob (Edit) wrote to my son the following:
I spoke in person to a top exec at Yamaha today on your behalf and also pointed him to your thread on my forums. Let’s see what happens. . . .
Best Regards;
HAA Level 1 Certified
President of bob.com
Another respondent from Australia mentioned that we should approach Dept. of Fair Trading regarding numerous issues. We do *not* yet want to go this way, at least not until after we alerted both you and Yamaha, and gave you all one more decent opportunity to get this really right.
Here is a further sample of the dozens of replies Karl received just in a day and a half:
“Thanks for the alert about this model. With your info, many members will stay away from this model until Yamaha gets its act together.”
“Hey, when you put that kind of cash down for a product( actually for any product they sell), Yamaha should find a way to make you happy! . . . “
“Well that sounds awful. I would flip out, and most likely would take it back and not buy another Yamaha product. I take offence to that type of service. . . .”
“spending the kind of monies that ppl spend on a car, and getting $hit like this is simply unacceptable . . .”
“I would not only email the head Yammy guy in Australia your message I'd include all link to all of your threads in all of the forums you've posted this in and tell him these forums are filled with people that are interested in hi-end audio equipment and if your issue isn't resolved swiftly and properly this will reflect very bad for Yamaha in these forum and will result in lost sales and customers. . . .”
“That's terrible! They've got such a great rep too. Have you tried "asking for the manager" at customer support? I'd act (and be) furious! . . .”
“But this is kind of strange as Yamaha is known to have at least better customer service than it's competitors. . . ."
“I wouldn't give a dime to them . . .”
Please, (edit), could you urge and escalate this issue as appropriate, and for Yamaha to really come to the party. Yamaha should use this as an opportunity to show how they can meet and *now* well exceed customer’s expectations. We are just as happy to report on quality support.
Yours Sincerely,
please tell me it's ok