God. I can hear the flautist's breath over the mouthpiece in the Jurassic Park theme. I can hear Norah Jones' velopharyngial buzz in Don't Know Why.
I need louder volume before I can form a complete opinion on vocal reproduction, but my little girl just went to bed. So it'll have to wait for now. Initial impression is that they're pretty good, maybe a tad hollow for male vocals without equalization. They've got a forward and bright character, even with the grilles left on. But I haven't given them time to break my ears in yet.
Looking at the measurements of the towers, center and the bigger bookshelf - there is no real
frequency boost between 200 and 15 khz >> sometimes that bright and forward, comes from
hearing more detail and definition plus more air from the tweeter. You should be picking up a
good soundstage with good imaging. The KLH and RCA/Optimus center, is more like a flat pan-
cake compared to the MB Quart. Based on the reviews, the Vera line has a lot of resolution.
Also your speaker placement and that left corner, can effect how voices sound - plus the rest of
the sound copy/re-production.
Give your ears some time to break in.