I'll have to phone Cheryl and see if she wants to place bets on the completion date of this cabinet.
Good one! I've never had anybody bust my balls about that before.
Actually I'm a little afraid of all the work involved in putting that thing in with the electrical, trim, wall repair and paint. It's freakin' major. Here's a sample of what the rest of the joint turned into when I did Mantown.
Living Room
Dinning Area
The other thing is that it takes money. Not like big money but way more than is floating around. What's messed up is that when the money comes I will have no time. I'm gonna go with this for th ... hey, I just had a thought. I could probably work on one wall at a clip without turning our household completely apart and save the TV wall for last ???

I don't know.
I want to do a few other things first like:
1. Read and understand that
post by MDS, read a link that Swerd sent me, respond in the Coaxial Cable Thread and spread some rep love around to people who
don't bust my balls !!!
2. Rearrange the gear in Mantown.
3. Get Flac, MP3, WAV, iTunes, FTP Client, IT and IP Networks figured out. Scott and Jeff are tying to help me but remote assistance is kind of like pushing a string ... and I'm lazy. Ambition and laziness are strange bedfellows.
4. Run my DVE Calbration Disc ... for the first time ever.
5. Get REW figured out once and for all.
6. Get a passport.
7. Change the oil in Cheryl's car.
... yeah, it's not looking good for that entertainment center.