I got j_arcia's Oppo 83SE !!!
My favorite is when guys get in on the classifieds without the requisite number of posts under their belts and start with an asking price above market value. Here's how it works: We're a relatively small community of audio enthusiasts that have 'virtually' and sometimes 'actually' known each other for a few years. We buy stuff from each other sometimes ... well, in my case it's a lot of times.
Anyway, John packed it like he meant it (Adam, please

Not too long ago I bought some component video cable from Hawaii (no sh!t) because ... well, I didn't really know why at the time but I did. It was filled with poisonous venom so I put it in a vise to squeeze the oil out.
Just to be safe I flipped it and squeezed it again. I'm really glad I did this because a few more drops did come out. These cables are prized for their skin and once that cures the skin effect will will help the analog electrons adjust to not being in their digital domain for their long journey to the receiver of the electrons.
That's all I got so far.
Edit: well, I went and got a bit more: Notice that John put the little booties on the HDMI cable.
Here's the rack as it sits now:
While I was at it I thought I'd take a minute to show one of the shelves I added to that wall.
Oh yeah, the reason I showed the cable is because I'm going to need it to handle an aditional 2 channels of analog audio. Right now I'm getting 6 channels out of the Denon 1920. I'll probably use the fancy new one for front left, center and right.