Your set-up looks so clean, almost as good as mine. But than again I had mine done by a pro.
Thanks Walter. That's nice of you to say.
I never get tired of the attaboys. It's what makes it worthwhile for me.
I had no idea you were so smart but this is the second time this morning you have sent me Googling with words you used. You gotta help me out on this one. I'm completely lost. What have you written for Audioholics? Is there an easy way to access the articles?
You know, it looks like you're really turning that mess into something nice. Now if somebody would just give you an equipment rack, you'd be all set.
You are a mean bitter bald man.

It seems like I got into an expensive hobby in the worst economic circumstances ... in history? ... yes, probably in all of history. Now that I have been divested (thanks for the word, Scott) of all shame I can openly say that I am hoping that you'll get sick of your Integra and give that to me. It has after all been nothing but trouble.
On the rack front here is the plan: This glass ...
... goes in these doors:
... which hang on pocket door hardware in this unit:
... which will hold gear on these two (to be polyurethaned later) Mahogany shelves:
The idea is to cut a hole in my wall below my TV, insert the box, install the gear and wire it up from the next room (Mantown) through this door on the back of the box:
And just for good measure this dog:
... says:

j/k Dave ... but not about the Integra. You really should give that to me.