Can't you find a component stand to place your gear in/on?
You sound just like my wife ...


I've resisted the $300 - $500 presswood entertainment center solution in favor of this:
Detail at Doors which are on pocket door hardware.
Glass for doors
Mahogany shelves
It's oak veneer ply with mahogany trim and shelves. I plan to cut a hole in the wall and push that box through into the next room. I'll be able to access the back of the gear through that door that's trimmed out in mahogany with the brass handles on the piano hinge.
Pawn shop? ... some of it was free. I would use an Embarrassment smilie but I kind of like my gear.
Good thing I didn't have my SACD/DVD-A player hooked up too. It doesn't match anything in there either.
I think I'm going to go over there to work on it now ... you equipment fashionista!