Trolling 201: Advanced Flooshing

Darth Mike

Darth Mike

ventwood0 said:
They recomend you to buy the Denon AVR-1907 $449.00...... are they trying to rip me off or what?
WTF? Why would they be trying to rip you off by reccomended a decent reciever to use with better speakers? :confused:

Do you have a gemstone as a navel, long spiked neon colored hair, and an extra hole in your posterior region for my pencil? Because I smell troll...:eek:


Darth Mike said:
WTF? Why would they be trying to rip you off by reccomended a decent reciever to use with better speakers? :confused:

Do you have a gemstone as a navel, long spiked neon colored hair, and an extra hole in your posterior region for my pencil? Because I smell troll...:eek:
Why would you pay that much money for the receiver they recomend you when you can get one for half the price and with the same performance. Please think before you reply Darth Mike, if someone recomends you a 800.00 receiver, it doesnt necessary mean you have to buy what they recomend you. You sometimes have to think outside of the box. I am looking for a receiver around 200.00 ish. Not over 300.00, what they recomend may be great, but there could be other AVR's that are cheaper and better.......
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
Whoa, easy there tiger...

ventwood0 said:
Why would you pay that much money for the receiver they recomend you when you can get one for half the price and with the same performance. Please think before you reply Darth Mike, if someone recomends you a 800.00 receiver, it doesnt necessary mean you have to buy what they recomend you. You sometimes have to think outside of the box. I am looking for a receiver around 200.00 ish. Not over 300.00, what they recomend may be great, but there could be other AVR's that are cheaper and better.......
...I kind of got a weird feeling from the same post, and these things do happen here alot where some people aren't serious and are just looking to waste a lot of people's time. And there is a lot of time in this thread. ;)

That being said, try looking on uBid. There are several factory refurbished units from many manufacturers there that should fall somewhere in your price range.



Jack Hammer said:
...I kind of got a weird feeling from the same post, and these things do happen here alot where some people aren't serious and are just looking to waste a lot of people's time. And there is a lot of time in this thread. ;)

I have 6 months of time to waste, bring it on!!!:D


I am just having a little trouble on deciding on which receiver I should get. Yes, true that uBid has lots of inexpensive receivers....... but does cheap always mean good quality and performance?

The AVR's here that are under 300.00 look preaty good to me...... which ones do you think will go along nicely with the BIC Acoustech speakers? I personally have no experience with AVR"s at all, my current AVR was giving to me as a gift.
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
ventwood0 said:
...Yes, true that uBid has lots of inexpensive receivers....... but does cheap always mean good quality and performance?
Cheap is only relative to its use. It could either mean you got a good deal and picked something up cheap, or it could mean low quality, you have to decide on your own. I have bought from them and have never had any issues. Most of the units there are factory refurbished by the manufacturer, they are a authorized outlet for many manufacturers. Also check Dakmart, ecost, and others. Why pay retail if you can find the same quality for less?

The AVR's here that are under 300.00 look preaty good to me...... which ones do you think will go along nicely with the BIC Acoustech speakers? I personally have no experience with AVR"s at all, my current AVR was giving to me as a gift.
I have only personally listened to the AVR's from Denon, HK, and Yamaha with any regularity. I have always had good experiences with them. I'm not familiar with each model they make.
Here is a good deal on a refurbished Yamaha. I only referred you to Ubid because they get many good deals, which change regularly. If you need to compare units, go to a local store and see what they have. Then you can look at them in person and compare features. There are many good brands out there to choose from.
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
Read this...

...I didn't realize it was the same AVR on uBid that was just reviewed here. Here is a link to the article and thread on that unit.
Yamaha RXV659 Thread

billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Hey vent,

I don't know why you haven't got the hook yet. I guess you'll just come back again and again. Maybe next time though, use the name SHREK3 and just update the number, after each ban.:rolleyes:
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
Change of attitude...

ventwood0 = rak32 = xAbre1200 = who knows how many names
Darth Mike

Darth Mike

Where are you going to find a $200 reciever that will drive much more than HTiB speakers? Unless it's used or refurb a $200 budget is like shooting an elephant in the *** with a pellet gun, you won't do much...:rolleyes: I think you are the one who needs to do more thinking ventwood, more of your OWN thinking that is, 16 pages later and you still havn't told us about anything you went out and listened to. If I were buying $40 HTiB cubes a $200 Pioneer VSX-516 would be great, I can get it for less than $150 since I work at best buy, but for towers and better bookshelfs I'd want at least the $299 ($195 for me) VSX-816 if not the $499 ($340 for me) VSX-1016. Spending the extra cash for a decent AVR isn't foolish, it is just being sure you are gettting all you can out of your speakers, I hav an old pro-logic spare is better sounding than my last cheapo DD/DTS.


Audioholic Chief
"Get Real"

Seriously ventwood0,

There is enough good information in this thread, and if you use the search function located in the top right of your screen, there is enough information in the forum for you to make a well informed decision that will maximize your ROI.

As Dr. Phil says, "Get Real" and pull the trigger on something. If I were you and you were me I would be buying a set of 5 Infinity Primus 150's online from Circuit City. I would also be buying a 30 sq. ft sheet of self adhesive mass loaded vinyl to line their interior surfaces. I would hook these up to a $400 MSRP refurbished receiver from Yamaha, Deneon, HK, Pioneer, or Onkyo that you can find cheap as dirt at many of the online clearinghouses. And for a sub I would buy anyone of the bargain subs already suggested in this thread. Go buy some speaker wire at home depot and some interconnects from radio shack and be done with this whole affair. This system would be killer, for the amount of money spent. What more could you possibly want?????

There will always be something better...get over it.
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Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
Jack Hammer said:
ventwood0 = rak32 = xAbre1200 = who knows how many names
Guys, don't waste your time, read the writing style; this is the same troll who has been repeatedly banned here under several different names. He's just getting better at sucking people, myself included, into his little game.



Ok, just to clear some of the things up

1. I am going to be getting the BIC Acoustech speakers

2. I need a new receiver to drive those 799.99 speakers. The AVR should be around 250.00 - 350.00 (refurb is ok with me)

3. I need to know if I should just go with the original speaker wires that come with the BIC Acoustech speakers, or if I should go out and buy better/ more expensive ones.

4. I would really appreciate it if people would stop saying that I am a troll, I never was, and I never will be.

5. I have used the search feature and it hasnt come up with very helpful results for me, that is why I post the info I dont know, here in this thread.



PS: I am also going to soon be buying a 42" Panasonic Plasma to replace my old CRT which is dying

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