Trolling 201: Advanced Flooshing



Audioholic Warlord
The BIC speakers don't come with wire. These are not Bose sets, they don't come read to go in 1 box.

You're questions have been asnwered. Pick a receiver and it's done.



Sheep said:
The BIC speakers don't come with wire. These are not Bose sets, they don't come read to go in 1 box.

You're questions have been asnwered. Pick a receiver and it's done.

I really want to know what gauge speaker wire I should buy. There are so many kinds, some are very thick and expensive and some are thin and cheap. I really have no experience with chosing speaker wire and I am totally lost on what kind I should get for teh BIC Acoustech.

The receiver is also another problem. Im not sure which to get. As I mentioned before, my price range is 250.00 to 350.00. I someone could recoment me a few, that would be very helpful.

I checked out some of the receivers here

But im not so sure the cnet guys know what they are talking about.....

PS: I am currently using composite cable (the cheap red, white, yellow ones) and I heard that HDMI would be much better...... but for my current setup, my video signal from my dvd player does not go through my receiver, it connects directly to my TV while I have my 2 audio composite cables go to my AVR. But I understand that HDMI has both video and audio in one cable....... so im lost on how i would connect HDMI to my TV and to my receiver.

Thanks for all your help! :)


Audioholic Warlord
12 ga.

Any receiver that has 80watts/channel or more by Yamaha, Denon, Poineer, HK, Onkyo, or Marantz.

Get Component cables, less fuss. Use optical for sound. You're only using 5.1 anyway. Also, what TV do you have?

EDIT: Screw it. Buy the Logitech Z5500's. Everything you need except for a DVD player and optical cable.


Sheep said:
12 ga.

Any receiver that has 80watts/channel or more by Yamaha, Denon, Poineer, HK, Onkyo, or Marantz.

Get Component cables, less fuss. Use optical for sound. You're only using 5.1 anyway. Also, what TV do you have?

EDIT: Screw it. Buy the Logitech Z5500's. Everything you need except for a DVD player and optical cable.
I was thinking around 12-13 AWG. Has anyone tried out a particular brand that they like or have heard of a brand doing particualary well? Because many brands make 12AWG speaker wire.

I will soon by buying the 50" Panasonic Plasma 2499.99 from costco to replace my dying CRT. It sure seems like the best bang for buck rigtht now.

Yes, that is the problem with AVR's, there just so many to choose from. It is very confusing, I think I will chose my AVR last.



ventwood0 said:
I was thinking around 12-13 AWG. Has anyone tried out a particular brand that they like or have heard of a brand doing particualary well? Because many brands make 12AWG speaker wire.

I will soon by buying the 50" Panasonic Plasma 2499.99 from costco to replace my dying CRT. It sure seems like the best bang for buck rigtht now.

Yes, that is the problem with AVR's, there just so many to choose from. It is very confusing, I think I will chose my AVR last.
I have not done much posting here, but lots of reading. Ventwood here seems to be taking everyone for a ride......16 or 17 pages of the same questions over and over.......hmmm I am getting sick of seeing this post up near the top.

Just buy something already!


Full Audioholic
faroff said:
I have not done much posting here, but lots of reading. Ventwood here seems to be taking everyone for a ride......16 or 17 pages of the same questions over and over.......hmmm I am getting sick of seeing this post up near the top.

Just buy something already!
I know isn't it ridiculous? I can't believe it, 17 pages and still going strong.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Ignore him

They know who he is the IP address matches even with a ban he'll come right back. Any acknowledgement, will keep feeding the troll. Just keep in mind the line of questioning that's used here and avoid answering at all cost in the future:) .
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Audioholic Warlord
Only 5 pages for me. :D But yes, I will also stop telling him what to get. I wil now only feed him garbage replies.

Hey ventood0, go check out mapleshade.



I just notieced that this thread is called Polkaudio Speakers for 399.99!
lol, because we are not even discussing those Polk speakers anymore. Ok, I think I will be getting 12-14 AWG speaker wire, but dvd player? Im not sure. I would be buying the Oppo if they sold it at costco, but sadly, they dont.
Their most expensive DVD player is this sony|1||P_SignDesc1&N=0&whse=&Dx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntk=All&Dr=P_CatalogName:BC&Ne=4000000&D=dvd%20player&Ntt=dvd%20player&No=4&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Nty=1&topnav=&s=1

It is very expensive, but im not sure if it can even compete with the oppo.

As mentioned many times, I have no idea which AVR to get.
im thinking .....

1. Pioneer VSX-816-K 224.00 - 299.00
2. Sony STR-DG800 $280-$400
3. Onkyo TX-SR504 $240-$299

Those 3 are w/ in my price range and scored very well by cNet.
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
DigiTal AuDio Denmark Image 600SL

Hey, I was poking around for some good speakers for you. I think I found something that is in your budget and will fit your tastes much better than the Athenas will. What you want are DigiTal AuDio Denmark Image 600SL speakers. Those are hard to beat for the price. pm Darth Mike, I think he has a system available for a fairly reasonable price.:)



Nah, i think I will be sticking with the BIC Acoustech. It was recomended to me by alot of people.


Does anyone think the receiver I recomended will perform well w/ the BIC Acoustech?
Darth Mike

Darth Mike

I'm telling you, my DIgital AudIO system will roxors the soxors of your BIC system any day :p


Darth Mike said:
I'm telling you, my DIgital AudIO system will roxors the soxors of your BIC system any day :p
I really dont think so. I think BIC will beat your system anyday.


I am confused. I have been recomended getting the BIC Acoustech for HT, but are they really as good as they seem? And plus, i'd like someone to recomend me a AVR. :)
Darth Mike

Darth Mike

Nope, the Onix system or the BIC system both suck when compared to my resickulous DiGiTaL AuDIo system... :p


Darth Mike said:
Nope, the Onix system or the BIC system both suck when compared to my resickulous DiGiTaL AuDIo system... :p
Could you please post a link?



No one can tell you what speakers will sound good to you. People have made suggestions(many pages worth in fact), now it is your turn to either order the speakers and use the in-house(30-45 day) test that most internet direct companies offer and go to the stores with your movies and music and listen to them with your own ears.
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Matt34 said:

No one can tell you what speakers will sound good to you. People have made suggestions(many pages worth in fact), now it is your turn to either order the speakers and use the in-house(30-45 day) test that most internet direct companies offer and go to the stores with your movies and music and listen to them with your own ears.
Yeah i know, I've already decided on what speakers im getting. I'll be getting the BIC Acoustech, and i'll be using 16 AUG wire. AVR is the problem, im not sure if sticking to my 15 yr old AVR is such a good idea.

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