This movie, is simply amazing... If you've seen 300, take all the awesomeness, and transform it. ALL THE AUTOBOTS CAN TALK! THEY ALL TALK!
Seriously.... I'm breathing hard, I won't be able to sleep! The movie is long, but it never feels like it dragged. The CGI is perfect. What you watch, is a car, turn into a robot. Not a computer turn a car into a robot, a car, willingly turn itself into a robot.
I'm seeing it again within 5 days. It's sooo freaking awesome, and I had a bad seat... my neck it sore, and I keep twitching, but i don't care, I'd sit there again just to see it.
Clint, take your theories and stuff it

They in my opinion, did a homage to the old ones, by modernizing it, and not making it suck. Yeah yeah, they're different cars. But do you really want a transformers movie center in the 1980s? No.
And to let you know, there isn't anything at the very end of the credits, so don't wait through them, there is one last clip that will be VERY important, and once that passes, you can leave.