So just what is it that bothers our maga folk about transgender particularly?

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Audioholic Jedi
So what do you mean by "OUR" Maga people? Are you implying that if anyone wants to have an open balanced discussion with you about why they might disagree with aspects of what the transgender community is advocating for must be a MAGA simply because they disagree with you?

Or are you asking for posters whether they are conservative or liberal to give you they're ideas on why the Maga portion of the conservative base is so opposed to some of the Transgender policies?

I'm asking for clarification because they're is a big difference in the responses your going to get.
Our in the sense of the political leanings of that republican "movement" here in the US, you know, the real nutters that think maga is respectable instead of disgusting in general. If you want to take on that mantle, that's up to you. Only ones I can see getting worked up about it and passing silly legislation in any case are the "magas". I don' expect a lot of sense here in any case.


Audioholic Spartan
Our in the sense of the political leanings of that republican "movement" here in the US, you know, the real nutters that think maga is respectable instead of disgusting in general. If you want to take on that mantle, that's up to you. Only ones I can see getting worked up about it and passing silly legislation in any case are the "magas". I don' expect a lot of sense here in any case.
Yeah it has gotten kindof insane I agree with you on that. They're is a lot more serious problems going on in the world right now to worry about I could care less what someone wants to do with they're body. I mean it is they're body.

Although I don't care about this topic one way or the other it's so blown up in the media I've had to hear a lot of it from the news and both political parties so observing and listening I think you bring up a good question Lovin and it's a good discussion. I'll try to express my opinion on what I feel I've noticed is going on and I'm looking forward to others feedback about it as well


Audioholic Spartan
As a conservative one thing I've noticed whether conservatives are more extreme in they're views or not is that really the majority of them don't care if someone is transgender or not as @MrBoat said I don't see a lot of them coming out of the woodwork spouting all this hate of the transcommunity. They're are outliers who are racist and hateful but they are few and rare and nobody I know wants to be around them. As Mr Boat mentioned times and our tolerances have evolved so much over the last 50 years it's rare for conservatives or liberals not to have friends or family who are Trans or gay or bi and to have many friends who are from other races.
So if that's not the issue what is?

I have some ideas on why it's gotten some pushback I'll put them in my next post. Just to good of a question @lovinthehd and it has to much context to just break it down in one post


Audioholic Spartan
But I'm aldo really not feeling well. My truck got broken into last week. I've been jumping through hoops to get it fixed and then I had a brutal shift at work and to top it all off my allergies just went haywire from the storms here. I think I'll take a nap and get back at this later


Audioholic Warlord
How does a conservative, generally speaking, have LGBTQ friends? They're conservative LOL.

I think what you meant is people who are not socially conservative. I get it now.


Audioholic Warlord
Maybe it's an injection, from some evil nonbinary person.
Not an injection. Everyone knows it's an oral drug, often in candy. As in, "Hey kid, want some candy?"
Would be nice not to have kids grow up believing all sorts of nonsense/prejudices the magas seem to think are scary.
It would be nice not to have kids grow up without any sex education at all. How many kids have go through puberty without knowing what's happening to them? It seems we've fought this battle before, and now have to fight it all over again.

Unfortunately, banning books and censoring schools has become a MAGA political agenda. They may not have been able to steal a national election, but they're now trying to steal public education.


Audioholic Spartan
From what I can see the issue became when it got pushed into schools and I'm not talking about colleges either.

Also taking kids to drag shows wasn't a great idea either. It's different if the parents bring them but when a teacher does it without the parents being aware of exactly what the field trip was about it's not a good look Lovin. Just like far right Republicans found out the hard way you don't mess with abortion rights with women some of the far left and the lgbtq community are finding out you don't f÷=ck around with a parents kids.

Teachers got busted on Tik Tok saying they would have these conversations with kids without telling the parents. School boards really started pushing agendas without informing parents. That incident on Louden County where they allowed transgender students to use the restroom of they're choice and a girl got assaulted was just not a good look. This issue is what got Youngkin elected. Not transphobia but when his democratic opponent said and I'm sure he regretted it the moment he said parents should not have a say in they're kids education. "I am not quoting that correctly" but he said something that was just stupid and it cost him an election he should have won

Then the issue with Female sports is really starting to piss a lot of people off. Especially women. It's not one single thing Lovin it was a couple of factors that when combined pushed it into the kindoff tension your seeing right now.


Audioholic Spartan
Combine that with the Hollywood push media push and what your seeing is people getting pissed off and tired of having this pushed down they're throats. So your seeing the backlash. They don't have a problem with Trans and Trans individuals having equal rights but when they started to perceive that it was now about what they feel is preferential treatment in schools and sports it's where they started to get upset about it. Combine that with anytime they voice they're concerns they're is no dialogue people just start calling you a bigot a racist a Maga lover instead of coming to the table and giving them equal dialogue well it just escalated from they're. I'm not a parent I can't judge whether they are right or wrong but that's where they are coming from as best as I can understand it


Audioholic Spartan
For me from a clinical standpoint is where this gets my interest. I have worked with the Trans community a lot in my career in mental health. We just had a military member that transitioned going through our military program now. She was awesome. I was super close to all of them just like any patient you get close you can't help but to care deeply but it's left me with some personal insight and a curiosity about where this is headed.


Audioholic Spartan
The issue for me as a professional is the fact that Trans individuals are truly experiencing a physical and mental disorder as real as bipolar depression substance abuse ocd ptsd and on and on.

It does not make them defective. They are actually beautifuly unique. An alcoholic or addict will always have a brain that's wired different then a normal brain. But an addict or alcoholic can just like with bipolar and depression and other chemical and physical issues that cause human beings to react ij unique ways to live different with the correct treatment they can live happy successful beautiful lives uniquely wonderful lives. This same thing is true for a human being who is born as a Trans individual.


Audioholic Spartan
But the correct term here is the application of the correct treatment.

Without that treatment a Trans individual will suffer from this constant feeling of being trapped in a body that is not congruent with they're internal reality. It's quiet horrible they way they have expressed when I've listened to them talk about it and the internal pain leads to horrible depression anxiety PTSD and other mood disorders that will if left untreated lead them to being at extremely high risk of taking they're life or falling into other highly dangerous Coping skills such as addiction or self harm to try to deal with what they are experiencing.


Audioholic Spartan
This is an extremely difficult diagnosis to make due to the fact that other disorders can lead to problems with how an individual feels

A diagnosis of gender dysphoria is arrived at after treating the underlying external symptoms are not successful. Even after this diagnosis is reached physicians and doctors are hesitant to do massive changes to the body because a) traditional treatments with medicine and programs can help. And b) once you start initiating body changes such as physically changing the body and hormone treatments rtc can have massive changes to the brain and can lead to problems that the individual will need to deal with for the rest of theyre life. It is a step not taken lightly and is only done when nothing else will give the Trans person any type of relief or alleviation of they're disorder.

My bipolar disorder is a great example. My doctor didn't slap me with 8 meds of the strongest type you can take. You start with the least intrusive medication and med levels and treatment you can and slowly increase your intervention until the individual can self stabilize and self regulate. That's because the higher the level of chemical intervention the higher the possibility of dealing with very nasty side effects over time that can impede quality of life. Good doctors and therapists want the individual to self actualize with the least amount of external intervention as realistically possible. As my doctor says start low and proceed slow


Audioholic Spartan
So where I'm fascinated about this is is I don't feel that most teachers or even school clinicians are qualified to correctly diagnose treat or teach about such a highly complex issue that affects these individuals.

If a person is struggling with these feelings the family should be notified and correct treatment should be highly encouraged.

So the struggle I see is when and where schools and the government can overstep parental rights.

Also where are we not educating but leading individuals who are not feeling right into a decision about themselves that is not the correct diagnosis or solution. In the past you've seen this trend with antidepressants, adhd medication autism disorders. And when something becomes a trend it can be at risk to lead to harmful outcomes. In the court of law I believe it's called leading the witness.

It also needs to be kept in mind most normal children and young adults are gender fluid at some stages of they're development and can be very experimentive as they test boundaries and limits to help them decide on they're permanent identity as they evolve.

I lean towards especially in the younger ages of education the environment should be as gender neutral and biology based as possible. To avoid the issue of leading the individual. As individuals begin to display disruptive behaviors and symptoms and believe me they will in the process of intervention if gender dysphoria is a very real possibility then the family needs to be involved immediately.

The educational staff should be trained to identify and intervene but not to push agenda and especially with personal experiences or beliefs. They're is a reason that we are trained with psychiatric care to express vulnerability with personal experiences but only to a certain point. Theyre is a reason we are not allowed to go past this therapeutic boundary. It actually harms and makes the patient more unstable as they are looking for you to be that caring supportive but IMPARTIAL rock of stability for that patient. Pushing too many of our own issues on the patient can lead to unsafety in the patient as they are looking to you for that stability, security, and safety to hold on to while they figure these things out for themselves.

I feel like teachers need to be held to that same standard. In fact it's critical they are held to that same standard as they lack the clinical training to really be the the spearhead for promoting ideas for a condition as difficult to treat as this.

In short if your a math teacher be an awesome caring math teacher and teach math. If you spot a potential issue then notify the correct therapist and school psychiatrist who can then determine how to move forward (with the families involvement.) Your personal life should really be none of theyre business past a certain point.


Audioholic Spartan
So in summary I am fascinated on the next 10 to 20 years as we are seeing a genuine paradigm shift on how educators and even the government can be involved as compared to the parent. This power struggle will be interesting to see where the pendulum ends up at. I'm praying it ends up at the place where Trans individuals are helped and included but not at an imbalance to other individuals who are different in they're own unique ways.


How about them JBL 698's???!!!!!



Maybe @TLS Guy can chime in on the current DSM (2012 onward) Gender Affirmative Care model (and the prior model). How they differ diagnostically.

I'm also curious about the increased comorbidity of depression and anxiety disorders when it comes to GACM and the diagnosis of transgenderism.

Another thing I have questions about: Is or isn't the Dutch Protocol efficacious? I know that England, Norway, Sweden, Findland are revisiting pharma and surgical care models for under 18 youth including and up to restricting to experimental clinical settings only.

In the U.S. I think the push back may stem from two sources:

1. Forced speech to the point of social ghettoing and even job loss.
2. Imposition on female populace. Wyn spa being such an example. Woman sports also.

I think States stepping in the way they have with this and abortion is just a disaster.
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The infant years are considered the formative years (ie blueprint of who you are). Something like that.
Homosexual males: They think this happens during pregnancy when the fetus is exposed to certain hormones. The way this came about discovery wise is that a large increase in homosexual men in the U.K. that were in uetero during the bombings.
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