Thanks for the reply MrBoat,
Good point but I'm surrounded by screens almost to the top of my head, as you can see in the pictures from the previous pages, let's say I separate the table from the wall and place it in the middle of the room, this is only a 10' x 11' room, I still need to have speaker's towers taller than my head while I'm sitting down, so I could clear the monitor's height and the speakers still need to be tilted down. By being so close to the speakers, if I don't tilt the speakers down, I feel that the sound is going to pass over my head. Mounted in the wall is easier to reach the required height and tilt them down. Secondly, different members of my family like to paint from time to time, especially my daughter, in one of the pictures where I'm showing the heavy curtains behind me, that can be used to stop the sound from reflecting against the window glass, you can see the easel with her current canvas in the corner, she sometimes even likes to paint on the floor, so just can't claim this room just for my self
When we purchased this property we replaced all the electrical wiring, so I use the opportunity to ask on the quote to run a single Cat6a (Ethernet) to almost every room in the house, and run, 3 extra ethernet cables, one HDMI, one Optical and Coax into the back of TVs attached to the wall in different rooms, plus many speaker wires, subwoofer cable running to the "home theater room" and the Kitchen. Everything runs to an electrical room in the basement where I have metals racks from floor to ceiling with all of the AV receivers, Plex Server PC, Media Players, HDMI splitter, ethernet switches, etc.
I went through all that work and money for a few different reasons, but between the top reasons was to avoid having tables/cabinets underneath each TV taking space from our living areas. We all have our passions in life and priorities, sacrificing a small percentage of the music quality for clean and open living spaces seems to be important to our family.
But because of all of you guys' advice, I'm already making changes and taking more space from the room for my audio setup, but is going to be a lateral space that is less intrusive. I was able to convince my lovely wife yesterday, that we are going to turn the double bookshelf on the right of the desk, that used to be triple, but we reduced it to double for my workspace, into a single column bookshelf, with just her workbooks, as I previously mentioned we are all kindle readers so that bookshelf is just a nostalgia piece of an era that is no more, at least in our family. With this lateral space now those speakers can be separated even father than the length of my desk almost to the length of the whole wall that would be too much, as I'm typing this I realized I could have now speaker towers on the floor at each end of the desk!!!!!

but I wonder if that would be too much?
lol Come on MrBoat, those speakers in the wall with the SVS subwoofer sound at least 100 times better than any headphones you can buy at any price.