My oldest brother is what I'd call a "power user," and he loves Macs. Part of it is the Unix-based OS, I believe. I've never done it, but apparently you can work on it using command lines within a Unix shell. 15 years ago, I would have thought "cool!" Now, I just wanna drink some beer and post.
I actually find their external connections to be inferior to PC laptops. I like having universal ports like DVI ports instead of some special port that requires a special adapter.
I guess when I was referring to power user I was thinking building them from scratch, which you can't really do with a Mac. I have had some very bad experiences with them too though, which probably made me bitter.
Oh and I think Unix/Linux is overrated (don't let my fellow nerds hear that). I couldn't get my Intel RAID array to work for the life of me - and I know what I am doing (at least I think I do) - big points in the negative for the "power" part of power user.
Many of the new PC laptops have DisplayPorts, sadly. Fortunately mine isn't new enough so it just has one of those old HDMI ports. I had a surprisingly tough time finding a 15.4" with digital anything out (or discrete graphics for that matter) when I was shopping for them, way back in 2007. That seems to have changed...
I think my Benadryl is really messing with me. My wife said I was really mean to my mom on the phone. I didn't even know it. With that I say, sorry if I sound mean. I don't mean to if I do, and if I do blame the drugs. I had to take them though - I was suffocating from some weird dust that was blowing in the wind.
Good evening gentlemen. I am sure you are all sick of the nerd talk...
...Wait. Who am I kidding.