If I skip I don't jones for speed or have any withdrawls, we aren't taking that kind of dose. I have no euphoria, nothing to make me jones or crave for more. Some people do get addicted, and then they take speed-like doses, but at 30-35mg a day, it just doesn't do that. If you don't have AD(H)D, then if you take it you'll feel speedy, but if you do, you'll just feel like everyone else. On a normal dose, you still get distracted, you just get distracted like everyone else rather than CONSTANTLY, or focusing on one thing so much you forget the rest (like without my adderall if I hyperfocus and search for something I'll search like 30 pages of google before trying something else, whereas on it I'll get to like 3 and stay focused on the task rather than the "mini-task" if that makes sense).
I tend to do that too...
Say I have to write a paper on the principles of electricity. I pull up WikiPedia and search for "Electricity"...
Well, near the bottom of every page, it suggests you look up stuff like, "Hydro-Electricity" or "Thomas Edison" or "Nikola Tesla"... maybe it's relevant!
So I click Nikola Tesla (Who, by the way, was the most brilliant man aside from Einstein)... and that leads me to a webpage where it mentions the Tesla Coil. So I go to the Tesla Coil.
And then there is a link to the Philadelphia Experiment... that sounds interesting!
And from there, I get dragged into a link about US Conspiracies, whoo!
So I Google the conspiracies.
I get another WikiPedia page... about the moon landing, and Roswell...
And I start reading.
And I read some more.
And then I go search for the JFK assasination.
And over time, I realize that I'm not working on my paper.
EDIT: I had Alfredo and grilled Chicken for dinner