No offense meant at all, but I think that's a pretty weak excuse for guys getting paid $30+ million a year with a $600,000+ minimum salary (baseball). When most of the people who save lives on a daily basis don't even touch that and work twice as much. Men and women who quite literally have people's lives in their hands on a daily basis can't even sniff that per year.
Then there are teachers who shape the youth of a nation and who, in essence, are responsible for the direction our country ends up going because of the huge influence they hold generation after generation and the profession in general is usually looked down upon, budgets slashed, and more and more teachers laid off.
Social workers and other such professions barely make any money at all and these are the people trying to keep children from being abused and mistreated. Who help raped women, and find places for poor families to stay so they're not sleeping on the street.
So for this "release" that they supposedly provide they deserve exorbitant amounts of money that they all too often just piss away? I don't buy it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge sports fan and I love my sports to the bitter end, but there's no way in heck someone's going to convince me that they deserve the money they get.
Soapbox rant over
(DISCLAIMER: I'm a teacher