Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Warlord
Nah, stole some coffee, played with all the toys and left with what he came for.

In his defense he left before lunch and probably didn't have any money left :D


Audioholic Overlord
Played with all the toys, eh?

You're not from around here, are ya? :D


Audioholic Slumlord
Thanks for letting me play with those toys. Speaking of lunch I spotted that Specialty Meats Smoke House on the way in but I forgot to ask about it once I got there. I didn't want to make any Stranger Danger cracks before but your girl is the one with all the sense. I hope she wasn't too freaked out.

The Phil3's get their own spot in a 'Best at' category.

As I mentioned the ride out alone was worth the price of admission. A rising sun lighting up a west bound path ... a complete absence of shadow on turning leaves while the grass is still a bright green as I broke through the fog banks. I don't know how to better describe that but it put more than a few smiles on my face.

BTW, this kid here is like the future of AH moderation should he stick around. ;)


Audioholic Warlord
Thanks for letting me play with those toys. Speaking of lunch I spotted that Specialty Meats Smoke House on the way in but I forgot to ask about it once I got there. I didn't want to make any Stranger Danger cracks before but your girl is the one with all the sense. I hope she wasn't too freaked out.

The Phil3's get their own spot in a 'Best at' category.

As I mentioned the ride out alone was worth the price of admission. A rising sun lighting up a west bound path ... a complete absence of shadow on turning leaves while the grass is still a bright green as I broke through the fog banks. I don't know how to better describe that but it put more than a few smiles on my face.

BTW, this kid here is like the future of AH moderation should he stick around. ;)
Haha, she probably would have just laughed if you had said anything about stranger danger. She definitely has all the sense, keeps me in check and reigns me in when I get too......excitable I guess would be the word :)

That's a great little meat place. If you're ever up this way again, it may well be worth a stop in.

It was no problem at all, you were welcome to play with that stuff as long as you wanted, or until the woman kicked you out. :p

I only wish the Phils had a bit more space to breathe so you could have really heard them. I completely forgot, but I have them pushed back just out of convenience. If you pull them out where I had them originally (another foot and a half) things open up a bit more IMO. Maybe next time when your friend can come as well and maybe we can drag Walter out of Ellenville. I think he's going stir crazy down there.

I don't know about that last bit. I'll almost certainly be around seeing as I spend an unreasonable amount of time trolling this entire forum, but I'm not quite sure AH moderation is quite ready for my brand of crazy :D


Audioholic Spartan
A colleague of mine got into a front to front crash a few weeks back, when driving in a car this is just the reincarnation of a nightmare to come true.

My colleague was driving about 50 km/h, which is 30 mph, and the other car with a fully loaded drunk driver approaced in more than 70 km/h (45 mph). so a front to front going to dead standstill when cars have a relative speed of 75 mph, oooouch

Listening to what happened makes it even more scary, my colleague told he saw something just jumping out of the lane in front of him and hitting the rails along the road, and then before he could even think or react, kaboooom..... :eek:

They do have a tiny Toyota IQ, but this time they fortunately were driving a family saloon car, with the whole family inside. All technical things in car worked perfect, all airbags, which probably saved them all. Only injury is his wife that has some trouble with the knees, but hopefully will be ok,

You can say whatever you want about safety of small cars, bigger is better !!

Scary stuff indeed :eek:


Audioholic Warlord
Yea that's no good. I agree, there's nothing that makes you feel safer than a big vehicle.

That had to have been one heck of a collision. I've had a few minor collisions and they were not fun and not even close to as bad, but bad enough that I've had quite enough of all that. Hopefully the guy went to jail and his wife will be ok.


Audioholic Warlord
I've always been a bit redneckish, but I'm not sure anyone would describe me as such. However, this may put me over the edge. Yes that is a pile of crap on my desk. No I didn't care enough to clean it all up before I snapped the picture, mostly because I'm still trying to figure out where to put most of it. Too much stuff, not enough space.



Audioholic Spartan
Yea that's no good. I agree, there's nothing that makes you feel safer than a big vehicle.

That had to have been one heck of a collision. I've had a few minor collisions and they were not fun and not even close to as bad, but bad enough that I've had quite enough of all that. Hopefully the guy went to jail and his wife will be ok.
I'm sure his wife will be ok and I hope this guys serves a good sentence, yes :mad:

I absolutely refused to have my wife drive a small car, and I think I'm right in this decision, I feel even more confident about this decision now.
A car can be replaced......


Audioholic Spartan
I am now awaiting, with lots of expectations, the $300,000 Recommended Two-Channel Stereo System :p


Audioholic Slumlord
That looks like honey. I just bought two kinds of honey out there. Can't wait to try it. One of them is creamed cinnamon ... and I left with money. I needed the amp price to drop way too much and I didn't want to be a low ballin' d!ck so ... :( ... no amp.

Maybe next time.

If you can get me the name of that meat place the next time might be sooner than anybody expects.

I'm starved.


Audioholic Warlord
That looks like honey. I just bought two kinds of honey out there. Can't wait to try it. One of them is creamed cinnamon ... and I left with money. I needed the amp price to drop way too much and I didn't want to be a low ballin' d!ck so ... :( ... no amp.

Maybe next time.

If you can get me the name of that meat place the next time might be sooner than anybody expects.

I'm starved.

That is not honey. We have honey, but a drinking a glass of it doesn't sound appealing. That would be Arnold Palmer. Terrific stuff, man was genius :D

Well, I've had ads up for the Cinepro for a couple months now and no interest so you may just end up with it someday.

The meat place is called "Smoke House of the Catskills" I believe.

Walter called me after you left and we talked. I think he's going to give me another shot at getting the thing fixed and I just may get to keep it yet :eek:


Audioholic Jedi
WD-40?! You must not heard that it isn't good for anything.


Ummm, Cinepro?

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