Questions on stepping up to making higher quality speaker wire



Audioholic Jedi
lovinthehd I beat you to that comment. Check post 57 lol.

Man some of you are pretty judgmental.

So I can’t trust my ears. I can’t trust mfg claims. I can’t trust fellow Audiophiles claims. Strangest hobby I’ve ever gotten involved in to date.

One connector is not working right. It will not expand the tip even if it seems to tighten. The pin seems to be stuck. Ill switch to a good one and see if to my ear any difference. From what speedskater said probably not since it still is making contact even if it’s loose.

What’s strange to me is that from what some of you have told me them my mind and ear should be telling me the prettier 10 gauge should be sounding better to me. But it’s the plain Jane 14 gauge that seems to sound better. I think I’m more confused than ever.
LOL I remember you had said that so was just repeating.

Yes there is mucho bullshit in audio, particularly in cable/wire. One connector not working right could cause issues, though. Sighted cable switching really isn't a good basis for a listening test due to bias as well as short sonic memory....


Seriously, I have no life.

Man some of you are pretty judgmental.

So I can’t trust my ears. I can’t trust mfg claims. I can’t trust fellow Audiophiles claims. Strangest hobby I’ve ever gotten involved in to date. ....
We are not judgmental at all. We are trying to inform new members when appropriate, how human perception and psychology works in such testing that most do in audio. Actually, it is the brain that is fooling a person; it translates the input signals from senses. This is nothing new. Been research a very long time, how to test, etc.

No one has to accept what is known. We try to inform what is known.
Audiophiles are human as well; some know, others refuse to know.

If there is a difference from the banana plug, you need to investigate why. Is there a connection fault? Wiring fault of the connector? There is just no reason why it would sound different, period.


Audioholic Intern
Three or 4 times I’ve been accused of being a troll or the like but thats not judgmental lol.

Once the silly attempted mind reading and accusations started to fester there is usually little point in continuing. I’ll figure the issue out on my own. Have a good night all.


Audioholic Spartan
Three or 4 times I’ve been accused of being a troll or the like but thats not judgmental lol.

Once the silly attempted mind reading and accusations started to fester there is usually little point in continuing. I’ll figure the issue out on my own. Have a good night all.
Your last sentence is why people are, in your opinion, judgemental. We are on page 5 of a very simple subject. If you had used the search function you can see how many times we have been parrots and some of those were a lot longer than 5 pages. When the EEs speak the thread has gotten to long lol.


Audioholic Jedi
Your last sentence is why people are, in your opinion, judgemental. We are on page 5 of a very simple subject. If you had used the search function you can see how many times we have been parrots and some of those were a lot longer than 5 pages. When the EEs speak the thread has gotten to long lol.
'Have a good nite all' translates to all that?


Audioholic Jedi
Sentence before. Thought that summed up the asked and answered portion of the thread.
Well his figuring it out on his own might indeed have issues what with the wacky uncle's cable proclivities....


Audioholic Intern
Your last sentence is why people are, in your opinion, judgemental. We are on page 5 of a very simple subject. If you had used the search function you can see how many times we have been parrots and some of those were a lot longer than 5 pages. When the EEs speak the thread has gotten to long lol.
Well if you actually read my posts with understanding and without bias you would have seen it evolved from cable gauge, which I thoroughly accepted the advice, to a faulty connector. Only a few of you picked up on that like KenM and gave advice accordingly. When I get the chance I’ll replace them and retest and have a friend of mine listen.

As for my “good night all” comment it was a sign off for the night and the subject at hand since I thought it ran its course. The fact that you read all that you did into what I posted as well as calling my uncle wacky says a lot more about the way your mind works than anything else ;)


Audioholic Slumlord
That IGNORE feature though ... making AH smarter one click at a time.

BTW, you can't call somebody judgemental without BEING judgemental ... and probably a hypocrite.

12 years of cable threads. :rolleyes:


Seems this thread has derailed a fair bit. Thanks for your information and links on these beautiful cables Snakebitten. He is just voicing his opinion, no need to get all on his case about it. I'm glad you're happy with your cables that you didn't have to shell out huge dollars for.


Audioholic Intern
Thanks Alex for letting me know about the ignore function. It works both ways ;)

Thanks for that WOTV. And I appreciate yours and some others patient approach. One audiophile forum says this another says that. A thinking person has to navigate that mine field and figure out for him/herself what the real deal is. Unlearn what’s false etc. it’s a process that obviously neither side of cablegate has a tolerance for.

Just as a follow up I was able to figure it out. Faulty connector was replaced and the floating cable retightened. Still not happy with the connections so will add some solder to all connectors for good measure this weekend since the set screws are too short to properly tighten against the cable in the large locking connectors channel. These locking connectors seem to be made for much larger than 10 gauge wire. Whatever it yields I’ll be happy with after this last tweak.

KenM forgot to respond to your post. Thank you for your suggestions. I followed them and replaced to faulty locking plug. That WBT locking plug is a sweet piece though and looks better constructed than what I am using. But $45 each if I read correctly is too rich for my blood hehe especially considering my budget wires. :)
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Audioholic Warlord
Just as a follow up I was able to figure it out. Faulty connector was replaced and the floating cable retightened. Still not happy with the connections so will add some solder to all connectors for good measure this weekend since the set screws are too short to properly tighten against the cable in the large locking connectors channel. These locking connectors seem to be made for much larger than 10 gauge wire. Whatever it yields I’ll be happy with after this last tweak.
Those locking connectors were too large for 10 gauge wire? Wow.

Another simple way that might deal with your problem is to cut off enough insulation to double the length of bare wire needed to insert into the connector. Fold that bare wire over, insert it, and see if that double thickness allows the set screws to tighten.


Audioholic Intern
Those locking connectors were too large for 10 gauge wire? Wow.

Another simple way that might deal with your problem is to cut off enough insulation to double the length of bare wire needed to insert into the connector. Fold that bare wire over, insert it, and see if that double thickness allows the set screws to tighten.
Yes the wire channels are huge on these GLS locking connectors. o_O

What you suggested is exactly what I did the first time. I cut about 2 1/2” extra insulation off and double bent it on itself. At first tighten down I thought it was enough. But I guess the inserting and pulling out when I was swapping between the 14 gauge to listen must have worked the set screws loose. I literally pulled the wire out the connector without too much force when I inspected it. They are all like this sadly. The 10 gauge is not thick enough and the set screws are not long enough. They literally screw out into the channel.

Don’t want to buy another set of locking connectors yet so I may try soldering the wire in the channel. But first I’ll try a triple bend it and see if that will hold snug. I would prefer to keep it a more easily removable connector instead of soldering it in.


Audioholic Jedi
Yes the wire channels are huge on these GLS locking connectors. o_O

What you suggested is exactly what I did the first time. I cut about 2 1/2” extra insulation off and double bent it on itself. At first tighten down I thought it was enough. But I guess the inserting and pulling out when I was swapping between the 14 gauge to listen must have worked the set screws loose. I literally pulled the wire out the connector without too much force when I inspected it. They are all like this sadly. The 10 gauge is not thick enough and the set screws are not long enough. They literally screw out into the channel.

Don’t want to buy another set of locking connectors yet so I may try soldering the wire in the channel. But first I’ll try a triple bend it and see if that will hold snug. I would prefer to keep it a more easily removable connector instead of soldering it in.
Looking at the GLS video to get a look at their set screws....did you do as they suggested and strip only 1/4" of insulation so that the screw nearest the plug bites on the wire end and the second screw presses in on the insulation? I use a different banana plug with dual set screws that both bite into the wire, and they definitely have enough reach on the screws even with higher gauge wires, but you do have to make sure to screw them in sufficiently for them to be secure.


Audioholic Warlord
In the past, I've tried banana plugs with set screws, without success. With time, they always vibrated loose, no matter what I did. I switched to this type of banana plug that connects to wire (I use 12g zip cord) in this manner:

They are sold under a variety of names: Sewell Direct, Amazon Basics, Mediabridge, etc. They're inexpensive and work well with my speakers and receiver. Not all banana plugs and receptacles have the same dimensions. They can vary some in diameter & depth. So, what works for me may or may not work for you.


Audioholic Jedi
My experience was the opposite. Started with this spread-the-wire type of plug and they always worked loose. Got set screw type and haven't looked back. I use the Sewell Silverback style with dual set screws....and you do need a good screwdriver that will allow you to torque those puppies down. Nothing has come loose over time this way. YMMV :)

In the past, I've tried banana plugs with set screws, without success. With time, they always vibrated loose, no matter what I did.

I switched to this type of banana plug that connects to wire (I use 12g zip cord) in this manner:

They are sold under a variety of names: Sewell Direct, Amazon Basics, Mediabridge, etc. They're inexpensive and work well with my speakers and receiver. Banana plug receptacles do vary some in diameter & depth Not all are the same.


Audioholic Warlord
Banana plugs also come with different types of spring posts. I prefer the type on the left


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