The sin of spray painting that makes me certain that Rosenut is Right ...
... but the oak 1"]oh, the oak ... he he he =strube;532219]The oak could be good too. My bottom line:
real wood veneer = refined, elite, freaking sweet action
paint or vinyl = sort of lame when the other option (see above) costs the same
I would also take a stained wood grand piano over one of those ugly gloss black ones any day...
The only way I would get that textured black one over the others is if I were building a system in a machine shop so the technicians could listen to some tunes or watch a film on their break. It would also fit well in a GreaseMonkey - you need good bass on the TV shows while you wait for them to change your oil. But that is just me.................. I like your way of thinking and makes a lot of sense for sure